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Hispanics Who Support Trump Love His Hardline Immigration Policy; Why Hispanic Immigrants Who Support Trump are Embracing His Hardline Border Stance

Hispanics Who Support Trump Love His Hardline Immigration Policy:

Donald Trump could win a majority of Hispanic voters in 2024. Even if he doesn’t, it’s a safe bet that he will get more Hispanic votes than any Republican candidate in history.

And that’s terrible news for Joe Biden.

Biden won 63% of the Latino vote in 2020. That total fell to 57% for Democrats in the 2022 midterms. He needs at least that percentage to defeat Donald Trump. And it doesn’t look good for him. A recent Sienna poll showed Trump winning 46% of the Hispanic vote with Biden getting 40%. It’s only one poll, but the idea that a Republican could come so close to topping a Democrat among Hispanics has to give Democrats nightmares.

Ronald Reagan predicted that Hispanics would eventually become Republicans. Conservative family values and self-interest in terms of the economy would drive Hispanics into the waiting arms of Republicans. That is if the GOP ever got its act together and came up with a winning message.

Donald Trump has a winning message for Hispanics and black Americans: opportunity. Creating an opportunity society lifts all boats and sets new Americans on the road to prosperity.

But there’s another reason Hispanics are flocking to support Trump: the madness at the border.

“I would be very disappointed if on day one, he doesn’t close the border,” Marilyn Thomson, a U.S.-born Homestead, Fla., resident who is the daughter of Cuban immigrants, said of Trump.

On Monday night, a Nicaraguan immigrant spoke at the GOP convention and made the case for Trump’s immigration policies.

“Our open borders are making this problem worse,” said Linda Fornos, who came from the Central American country six decades ago and now lives in Las Vegas.

“It’s upsetting to see millions of dollars being sent to help immigrants who came here illegally while hardworking families who did it the right way are left struggling. The fact is, that illegal immigration hurts legal immigrants the most,” she said.

That’s a powerful message that resonates with a lot more Hispanic immigrants than Joe Biden and the Democrats would like to think. —>READ MORE HERE (or HERE)

Why Hispanic immigrants who support Trump are embracing his hardline border stance:

Having flown to Miami from California to see Donald Trump speak in person, Teresa Algarín waited eagerly with her nephew at the former president’s golf resort in Doral last week, sporting a t-shirt custom-designed to show her Cuban roots and her support for this year’s Republican presidential nominee.

Displayed proudly on her chest were the words “Santiagueros for Trump,” an homage to Santiago de Cuba, where she lived before coming to the U.S. 54 years ago. “God bless Trump and this country,” she said.

The Algaríns are among the many naturalized Hispanic voters that support Trump’s hardline immigration stances, including shutting down the southern border.

“We are going through very difficult times where the current president is giving away the country to the entire world,” Rafael Algarín, a Miami-Dade resident, told the Miami Herald, speaking in Spanish. “We have to defend that everyone who comes in follows the same steps we followed. If we come to grow this country, let’s grow it, not become the rubbish in the countries we left behind.”

Though President Joe Biden remains likely to win a majority of the Hispanic vote nationally, a TelevisaUnivision poll released on Tuesday found Trump leading among Florida Latinos, nearly half of whom believe Republicans have a better handle on immigration and border security compared to Democrats. The results mirror what pollsters have also seen among Latino voters in key battleground states: That Democrats have lost the confidence of many Hispanics on immigration policy, with one survey from Equis Research finding that registered Latinos voters trust Trump more than Biden on the issue.

Trump, who survived an assassination attempt at a Pennsylvania rally over the weekend, is centering his campaign on illegal immigration as a national security threat. He has pledged to launch the biggest deportation campaign of undocumented people in the country’s history, a promise that Republicans formalized in the party platform released ahead of this week’s GOP convention in Milwaukee.

The level of support among Hispanic voters for Trump’s policies comes as the Biden administration has struggled to process the high volume of people trying to enter the U.S. In recent months, Biden has temporarily suspended asylum eligibility at the border, and hardened his rhetoric, focusing on his efforts to limit illegal immigration — something Hispanic voters at Trump’s rally said they want from the next president.

“I would be very disappointed if on day one, he doesn’t close the border,” Marilyn Thomson, a U.S.-born Homestead resident who is the daughter of Cuban immigrants, said of Trump.

Republican immigration policies

While Trump was in office, his administration limited asylum eligibility, made migrants wait in Mexico for their court hearings, and completed 450 miles of the southern border’s wall. He also tried to end Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, which grants deportation protections and work authorizations to people who came to the United States as children.

In its 2024 platform, the GOP has pledged to restore Trump’s immigration policies and to “seal the border, and stop the migrant invasion.” The document, released earlier this month, says that if a new Trump administration would increase penalties for illegal entry and overstaying visas, beef up Immigration and Customs Enforcement, and restore Title 42, a public health measure used during COVID-19 to quickly expel migrants and asylum seekers at the border. —>READ MORE HERE (or HERE)

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