Jesus' Coming Back

Hurricane Kamala: The Perfect Storm to Collapse The Democrats’ Burning House

It’s easy to fall for the media’s uber-hype and begin to imagine the unthinkable — that Kamala Harris can actually win.  The opposite conclusion is accurate.  She represents a perfect storm forming that will permanently collapse her party’s burning house. 

A happy set of circumstances brought us here. 

The first was Joe Biden’s path to victory in 2020, which began in South Carolina during the Democratic primaries. 

In a deal with Rep. James Clyburn, the necessary votes were delivered to Biden in exchange for appointing both a Black female vice president and Supreme Court justice. 

Clyburn inflicted Kamala on the nation.  Biden gladly accepted the bargain.  She was someone who could not upstage him. 

The animosity between Biden and Harris is famous.  Jill despises Kamala for her attack on Biden during her brief appearance in the Democratic primary debates. 

Kamala was the first to withdraw, leaving in early December 2019 without a single delegate.  She is voting booth poison and will destroy down-ticket races due to an inability to energize voters.

The second reason Kamala will never become president relates to Biden destroying her political future by appointing her his border czar, a scheme to sabotage her political future by making her responsible for the border he planned to erase.

Perhaps the most significant factor working against Saint Kamala of California is Democrats’ dismay over being forced to accept a nominee lacking a single grassroots vote. 

Don’t underestimate the animosity this generated.  Democrats’ base was trampled in the race to install Trump’s next designated debate victim.  Many are die-hard Biden supporters, outraged over his treatment. 

Meanwhile, the economy is squeezing the working and middle classes, with the Biden-Harris record to blame. 

Credit card delinquencies are rising for the first time since the 2008 financial crisis.  They rose steadily under Biden.  Demand for auto loans has been sinking since late 2021.  The real interest rate (nominal rate minus CPI) has risen since September 2020, strangling economic activity.  Expiring revolving loans require refinancing at higher rates.  Mortgage rates are 4% higher than at Biden’s inauguration.  Urban residential rents are 21% higher.  Food is up 21.5%Gasoline averaged $0.99/gallon more under Biden, 42% higher, than under Trump. 

Yet hourly wages rose only 16.9% and Social Security income increased only 18.8% since Biden’s inauguration.  Tens of millions of 2020 Democratic voters are hurting.  Trucking activity peaked five years ago and the certainty of national default looms ever closer. 

These factors create insurmountable headwinds for any Democrat, but with a turkey like Kamala, their impact becomes magnified.  In major cities, the heart of Democrats’ base, open borders have unleashed a financial and criminal crisis.  People don’t need reminding to vote for Trump.  They can’t wait.

James Carville, a lonely realist in a delusional party, is depressed.  Obama shares Carville’s terminal pessimism.  He was the last major Democrat to reluctantly endorse Kamala after other options failed to materialize.  He was left with no choice but to endorse her.  Republicans approach this election with their strongest candidate since Reagan’s 1984 49-state Electoral College blowout, the only one beside Nixon to achieve this. 

Democrats are sleepwalking into November with their weakest candidate ever.  The smart money is betting Biden immediately endorsed Kamala after his withdrawal as payback to those who engineered his withdrawal.  Obama was not happy

The reason California’s Gov. Gavin Newsom, etc. never mounted serious challenges to Kamala is a combination of the Trump factor, alongside Biden’s economic chaos, creating insurmountable odds.  Kamala drew the political suicide mission short straw.  Her negatives overrule any subsequent political career, so she might as well roll the dice. 

Democrats have one trick left to boost her.  The 47th presidency.  Biden is political dead weight, doing his party more harm than good, a constant reminder of his disastrous administration.  One way or the other, organically or politically, the possibility Kamala will be installed as president must be considered. 

If this occurs, it probably comes sooner than later.  As Hillary declared (plagiarizing Obama), “We’ve come too far to turn back now.”  Biden possesses closets full of blackmail available for use against him.  If he can be forced to withdraw his candidacy, forcing his resignation is the next logical step.  Polling is underway to lay the groundwork.  A President Harris is a twofer: the first female president and the first to declare her pronouns

But wait, there’s more, much more.  Democrats must first make it through their Chicago convention, beginning August 19.  Why do crazed leftists focus their greatest ire on Democrats?  Democrats departed Chicago in 1968 after 48 hours of rioting with 11 dead, and another 48 wounded by police bullets — half the 100 civilian shootings during this year’s July 4 weekend.  2,150 were arrested. 

2024 Chicago is not 1968 Chicago.  The nation’s most radical big city mayor, Brandon Johnson is no Richard Daley.  A former Chicago Teachers Union organizer, Johnson caricatures everything wrong with his party.  He has been forced to backtrack from his police defunding position.  A sanctuary city, Chicago is the national murder capital, complete with progressive prosecution, migrant chaos, fiscal mismanagement, etc.  Johnson hasn’t noticed, but the sanctuary city ship has sailed

Consider the roster of radical leftists applying for Chicago DNC protest permits:

Bodies Outside of Unjust Laws

U.S. Palestinian Community Network

Poor People’s Economic Human Rights Campaign

Students for a Democratic Society at UIC

March for People’s Agenda

Chicago Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression

Reparations for Descendants of Enslaved Africa

Violent radicals (Antifa, BLM, Hamas-niks) won’t bother with permits, they’ll just appear, knowing the FBI has their backsProfessional rioters don’t need no stinkin’ permits.  It is unclear if Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker will tolerate chaos.  Worth $3.4 billion, he is America’s wealthiest elected official. 

The warm welcome protesters just gave Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu in Washington previews Chicago’s coming attractions.  Besides the radicals, a pro-Israel group applied to march.  That should prove interesting.  Pritzker is firmly pro-Israel, versus a, Marxist, pro-Hamas mayor.  Stay tuned.

Democrats’ civil war is shaping up as their populist/progressive/Marxist wing aligned with Biden, Harris, and Hamas; opposed by an elite donor class enthralled with a Marxist former president.  With a sideshow of rioting crazies.  AOC is now an out-of-touch senior party functionary, penalized for insufficient antisemitism.  Brandon Johnson’s sympathies lie with protesters.  What could go wrong once the festivities begin? 

Let’s go Brandon. 

Kamala is an opposition researcher’s dream.  An embarrassment of riches; the most overtly communist national candidate Democrats have ever run.  “They’re not sending their best.  . . . They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us.  They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime.” — June 14, 2015.  Kamala is Trump’s escalator pitch personified. 

If you still think Kamala could win, visit her website.  It’s as vapid and empty as she is, studiously devoid of policy positions.  Her website from her last presidential quest was a progressive word salad, an appeal to the far left.  Chicago’s 1968 riots led to a Republican victory.  2024 looks to repeat.  Hurricane season began earlier this year than ever before.

Douglas Schwartz blogs about history, politics, economics, and gaslighting at The Great Class War.

Image: Pexels / Pexels License

Trump vs. Biden gasoline prices

American Thinker

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