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Ex-border Chiefs Slam Biden Admin for Waiting so Long to Crack Down on ‘migrant superhighway’ Darian Gap; Biden-Funded Deportation Flights from ‘migrant superhighway’ to US are Voluntary; U.S. to Pay Panama to Deport Migrants

Ex-border chiefs slam Biden admin for waiting so long to crack down on ‘migrant superhighway’ Darian Gap:

The US will start forking over cash for flights to help Panama deport illegal migrants caught crossing the treacherous Darien Gap — a “superhighway” used by those trying to reach to the US border.

But, critics are asking why the Biden administration didn’t do it sooner.

Under a new deal signed Monday, the US has agreed to “cover” the costs of repatriating the illegal migrants after Panama’s new President, José Raúl Mulino, vowed to shut down the dangerous stretch of jungle that has already been traversed by more than 500,000 migrants in the last year.

However, ex-border chiefs told The Post that while they believe the plan is much needed, it comes more than three years too late.

Former Border Patrol Chief Rodney Scott said that Panama is a “natural choke point where law enforcement can interdict criminal activity with far fewer resources.”

“But before we give this administration too much credit, let’s not forget just a few months they were intentionally making it easier for migrants to get through the Darien gap and get to the United States,” he said. “So why the change of heart all of a sudden one may ask? Maybe it’s because it’s an election year.”

Former Yuma Sector Border Patrol Chief Chris Clem called the deal “encouraging,” but added that the Biden administration waited too long to act.

“Why are we only doing this now, when millions have entered illegally into the US under this administration?” he asked. “I wish the President would work on the physical security of the border in addition to these arrangements to protect border communities and the American public.” —>READ MORE HERE

Biden-funded deportation flights from ‘migrant superhighway’ to US are voluntary:

The Biden administration-funded deportation flights, which were supposed to help Panama deport illegal migrants caught crossing the treacherous Darien Gap on their way to the US, are voluntary, Panama’s President said Thursday.

Under a deal signed earlier this month, the US agreed to “cover” the costs of repatriating the illegal migrants after Panama’s new President, José Raúl Mulino, vowed to shut down the dangerous stretch of jungle — which is known as a “superhighway” for asylum-seekers hoping to make it to America.

However, weeks later, Mulino revealed that migrants must agree to be deported — and called it a “United States problem.”

“This is a United States problem that we are managing. People don’t want to live here in Panama, they want to go to the United States,” Mulino said, adding that those who choose to forgo the flights will “go [to the US].

“I can’t arrest them, we can’t forcibly repatriate them,” he said.

Ex-border chiefs say the deal will now do nothing to stem the crushing flow of migrants headed to the US-Mexico border — and that Panama is taking advantage of the Biden administration.

“They will not go for it. That is why it is voluntary. Panama knows this. Panama is making money off of the journey north. Some will go if they are tired, hurt or broke, but most will continue,” retired ICE field office director John Fabbricatore told The Post.

“In my opinion, the number of illegals making the journey will continue to rise, and Panama will repatriate fewer and fewer.”

In 2024, more than 212,000 people, largely from Venezuela, have already crossed the region, according to the Associated Press. —>READ MORE HERE

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+++++U.S. to Pay Panama to Deport Migrants+++++

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