Jesus' Coming Back

The Establishment Ensures That Gaslighting Paves The Way To Marxism

Are you ready for three months of leftist rumors, innuendos, and gaslighting? The left knows that repeating horrendous falsehoods is how the gullible public accepts lies at face value. Nazi Joseph Goebbels often comes to mind as the propaganda minister was an expert at understanding the principle of selling lies:

If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.

Back in the day, socialists of all stripes (i.e., Nazis, communists, and Italian fascists) repeatedly told bald-faced lies, ad nauseum, in their speeches, newspapers and news reels. Today, that still holds true with left-leaning “news” networks such as MSNBC, CNN, and countless print and online sources. Today, they’ve added some new tricks to manipulate the truth, which is to put out lies and then withdraw them after they’ve gained traction.

Kamala Harris (edited). YouTube screen grab.

The Associate Press FactCheck put out a seemingly pro-JD Vance fact-check identifying as false an obscure charge that Vance had sex with a couch. Then, AP deleted its fact check, saying the article did not meet its standards. By then, though, the falsehood had taken hold, which probably was AP’s plan all along.

During a House Judiciary Committee hearing two weeks after the assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump, FBI Director Christopher Wray said that “with respect to former President Trump, there’s some question about whether or not it’s a bullet or shrapnel that, you know, that hit his ear.” Of course, Wray knew it was a bullet that injured Trump. The next day, the FBI released a statement that it definitely was a bullet. However, the aroma of maybe it was, maybe it wasn’t, had already filled Marxist-Democrat talking points.

It’s common now for search engines take you to the wrong site or provide misleading information. When people search for “Donald Trump” information, they’ll only get articles about Kamala Harris:

Unlike misleading rumors, gaslighting is when the person knows (or should know) the truth but purposely fabricates a different scenario. For instance, on April 21, actor Michael Douglas insisted that Joe Biden “is as sharp as a tack” on CNN’s “Fareed Zakaria GPS.” That comment went viral. Douglas also said, “His entire Cabinet, including his vice president, everybody that’s in his Cabinet would be more than happy to work with him again on a next term.”

Do you think Biden was as sharp as a tack in April but suddenly came down with advanced mental acuity issues a few months later when he attended the G7 Summit, celebrated Juneteenth at the White House, or participated in the June 27 debate? Of course not, and the left knew it. But the facts aren’t the point. The point is political power.

As leftists ramped up efforts to toss Biden out following his atrocious debate performance, many started publicly admitting that they recognized Biden had mental acuity issues many months or years before. They shared confidences from high-ranking administration officials or described what they had witnessed themselves.

Certainly, Vice President Kamala Harris knew Joe Biden was not fit to remain in office. Nor do voters believe she was too busy cackling through another incoherent speech to notice. According to a YouGov/Times of London poll taken after Biden announced he would not run for re-election, 92% of voters believe Vice President Harris knew about President Biden’s deteriorating health and that there was a cover-up.

Throughout Biden’s presidency, the leftist media gaslighted the American public by ignoring what all of us were regularly hearing and seeing. White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre (DEI hire?) led the chorus, insisting that videos of Biden incoherently speaking or wandering around were “cheap fakes.”

At the same time, according to an Economist/YouGov poll, only 39 percent of registered independents view Vice President Kamala Harris as “qualified” to be president.

With Biden gone, the same people are gaslighting us about “Saint” Kamala during her “coronation.” If you call her incompetent, you’re a racist. If you mispronounce her name, you’re a racist. If you say she is a DEI hire, you’re a racist. Or maybe you’re both a racist and a misogynist.

Whether you are hiring at a fast-food restaurant or for the vice presidency, when you announce before interviews that you are solely looking at people who check certain boxes rather than based on ability or merit, that means the person is a DEI hire.

During a one-to-one 2020 primary debate with Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders, Biden vowed to pick a woman vice president. This meant Biden was still open to a white, black, Hispanic, or Asian female.

By late April 2020, 200+ black women activists within the Democrat party signed an open letter demanding that Biden pick a black woman. By May, a dozen black women who had signed this letter personally met with Biden to insist that his running mate be a black woman.

Now, Biden had to omit all males, along with women who were Hispanic, Asian, or white. Of course, since Harris’ father is Jamaican and her mother is from India, some might say (as Trump did) that she wasn’t the black woman that the activists demanded.

Does it matter? The leftist-controlled media gaslight everything, not just Kamala’s race. Thus, they are gaslighting that Joe Biden named Kamala Harris Border Czar, responsible for 10 million unvetted illegal aliens who have waltzed into the United States.

And that Harris has said she wanted to defund the police.

And that Harris wants to ban fracking so that the United States is not energy independent.

And that Harris wants Medicare for All.

And that Harris compared ICE to the KKK.

And that Harris believes in gun confiscation.

And how Harris raised tons of money following Biden’s withdrawal from the race.

In the past four years, we’ve seen rumors, innuendos, cheap fakes, and gaslighting, along with the Democrat party’s favorite Olympic sport: ballot stuffing. This is how they are working to elect a Kamala “Cacklin’” Harris, a person not one primary voter ever voted for. Even the notorious Black Lives Matters is against Democrat delegates and donors anointing Harris as the nominee.

My guess is that Robert de Niro thinks Kamala Harris is as wise and wonderful as Joe Biden, and that Michael Douglas believes she is as sharp as a tack!

Robin M. Itzler is a regular contributor to American Thinker. She is the founder and editor of Patriot Neighbors, a free weekly national newsletter. Robin can be reached at

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