Jesus' Coming Back

Gorsuch: Too Many New Laws Could Impair Americans’ Freedoms

Supreme Court Associate Justice Neil Gorsuch said on this week’s broadcast of “Fox News Sunday” that the United States has too many federal laws.

Host Shannon Bream said, “I think it will be eye opening to the American people, the idea that so pretty much of our conduct is over regulated and over criminalized many cases. Apparently you and are committing felonies every day without possibly even knowing it.”

Gorsuch said, “I think that might be true. Some professors say there are now so many federal laws on the books that every American over the age of 18 commits one felony a day. That’s happened in my lifetime. 1970 to the present we’ve seen maybe a doubling the number of federal crimes on the books. And this just counts within the U.S. code passed by Congress and the tip of the iceberg because federal agencies have been busy.”

He added, “On the one hand we need laws to keep us free and safe, on the other hand, if you have too many laws you impair the same freedoms and our aspirations for equality too are there to because you can deal with the world was so pretty much law?”

Gorsuch added, “As a judge for 18 years, I just came to see him case after case trying to live their lives raise their families and just getting whacked by laws unexpectedly.”

Follow Pam Key on Twitter @pamkeyNEN


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