Jesus' Coming Back

Kamala Harris, the Rachel Dolezal of American Politics

After rapper Megan Thee Stallion’s slutty song lyrics entertained the pink pus*y hat brigade in attendance at a recent Kamala Harris rally, the only thing missing from race-faker Kamala Devi Harris’ pre-victory tour was a guest appearance by Nkechi Amare Diallo, aka Rachel Dolezal. 

Remember Rachel? She’s the green-eyed, Caucasian who, with the help of an overprocessed perm, managed to pass herself off as a black person, winning a post as a college instructor.  Rachel’s “Black Like Me” scam was so convincing that she even managed to work her way up the DEI ladder to the position of chapter president of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), Spokane, Washington division.

For a time, Rachel Dolezal, a white woman who graduated from Howard University, which is also Kamala Harris’s alma mater, was able to pass as black. Then, in 2015, Dolezal’s true race was exposed, but that didn’t stop her from still identifying as an African-American with two black sons and a Nigerian name. 

The reason disturbed individuals like Dolezal get away with pretending they’re black is because the Democrat fantasyland is full of males that menstruate, females who wear jock straps, unborn human babies whose mothers don’t believe they’re human, and high school students who identify as cats sitting in adult-sized litter boxes.  Meanwhile, bewildered bystanders are obligated to nod their heads and pretend what’s happening is real when it’s  “weird.”

Yet, with election day on the horizon, Nkechi Amare Diallo’s scandalous deception stands to pale in comparison to the Rachel Dolezal of politics, Kamala Harris, and her existing plan to blackface her way into the White House.

Lately, Americans live in a world where the label “racist” has become a weapon that has power in circles where, based solely on skin color, political correctness has made it advantageous to play the victim.  There are some black and brown-skinned people who use the word “black” as an adjective to segregate almost everything. There is black history month, black museums, and even “black” colleges where “black” women study to become “black” journalists.   Then, at functions like the annual gathering of the National Association of Black Journalists (NABJ), if the sole white guy who happened to generously fund historically black colleges dares to use the word “black” to describe anything, he’s immediately labeled a racist.  

The current trend to use race as a cudgel to bludgeon political enemies, coincides with convoluted assertions that elevate criminals like George Floyd to the status of cult hero.  

And, although black babies are five times more likely to be aborted, the left has even managed to convince Democrats that Trump’s pro-life VP pick, who is the father of three bi-racial children, is part of a secret agenda to make sure fewer black children are born in the USA.  

Presently, Kamala Harris is all in on blackness being brought to the fore. Kamala is well aware that being perceived as a black woman places her securely behind an impenetrable gender, race, and ethnicity barrier, which shields a do-little politician from being criticized for years of on-the-job failure.

Right now, it is as if the ‘Sentient’ Joe’ coverup Harris helped promulgate for four years, never even happened.  The left believes that presenting Harris as an iconic black female, sporting invisible dread locks, and a reggae tam, erases the ability for political opponents to point out her history of Marxist-style activism, laziness, lies, character flaws, and a history of verbal faux pas.  

Transforming Harris, who “may have already proved her allegiance — to Indian-ness,” from a woman in a sari to someone who speaks like she’s a chick from the ‘hood, is easy for those who insist that what was true, is no longer true, and what you thought you saw, you didn’t see. 

As for the fakery, even without the media doing her bidding, Kamala is rivaled only by the likes of Dolezal’s racial flip-flop. 

Like a chameleon, Harris has a history of doing whatever is necessary to secure any position of power she sets her sights on. As California attorney general, Kamala strongly embraced her Asian-American roots.  During the 2019 presidential primaries, while cooking with actress Mindy Kaling, Kamala identified with her late mother, Shyamala Gopalan, and proudly acknowledged that she comes from a large family of South Asian descent.

Way back in the mid-seventies, Kamala’s Jamaican father, Donald Harris, who was described as a “combative,” socialist, Stanford University economics professor, separated from Shyamala.  After the divorce, Kamala remained closer to her Indian mama, than she did to her “Marxist scholar” professor (emeritus) papa.  It wasn’t until blackness became politically expedient that Kamala was more than willing to culturally appropriate her image to align with that of the guy who had nothing to do with raising her. 

It is now 2024, and sometime between discarding the 14-million preconvention delegate votes for Biden, and Joe’s disastrous debate with Trump, the team of Svengalis behind Kamala must have thought it was good strategy to tamp down Harris’s palak paneer façade and ramp up her love for jerk chicken.

In hopes of placing the illegally appointed 2024 presumptive presidential nominee behind the Resolute Desk, a race baiter (who shall remain nameless) clearly decided it would be advantageous in a general election to refashion the VP into a black Jamaican queen instead of a Ghungroo dancer wearing ankle bells.  To support the effort, the corporate media cabal stepped in and committed themselves to swearing to whatever illusion the orchestrators of the coup decided should now be considered true. 

In the midst of all this skin color foolishness, it’s important to remember that most people born in America have mixed blood. For example, take those whose ancestors migrated from Sicily in the early 1900s.  Sicily was invaded from the south by the Moors. Therefore, it is highly likely someone from Brooklyn, NY, like myself, has as much African blood as the Son of Kenya and the childless “Momala” from Oakland, California. 

While it is true that a high percentage of the Jamaican population have descendants from sub-Saharan Africa, for some reason, since the start of Kamala’s political career, her African-Jamaican heritage has taken second billing to the Indian blood which accounts for the largest portion of her racial background. Kamala also has white Irish-slave-owner blood, but to date, the Democrat presumptive nominee has never suggested that the descendants of Irish/Jamaican slave owners pay reparations to Jamaican blacks.

In the end, this is not a question as to whether or not Kamala is black or not, it’s a question as to why she has been less willing until now to identify mainly with the smaller sliver of her racial pie?  Just like Rachel Dolezal calculated that becoming black would earn her a spot as chapter president of the NAACP, Kamala apparently now feels that emphasizing her black side will somehow protect her from criticism and earn her the votes of black Americans.  Meanwhile, as Nov. 5 nears, the question the color blind need to ask themselves is whether or not estrogen and/or melanin are the best standards for choosing the leader of the free world. 

Jeannie hosts a blog at

Image: Aaron Robert Kathman, via Wikimedia Commons (extracted) // CC BY-SA 4.0

American Thinker

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