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Exclusive — Peter Schweizer Lays Out Tim Walz’s Love of China

Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz (D) — Vice President Kamala Harris’s choice for running mate — has a long history of loving China, New York Times bestselling author and Breitbart News senior contributor Peter Schweizer said during an appearance on Breitbart News Daily, laying out Walz’s history.

Walz seems to have a deep affection for China, which Schweizer, host of the Drill Down podcast and president of the Government Accountability Institute, said is not an issue in itself. However, it begins to get muddied when you are dealing and showing affection not to the Chinese people but the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), he explained.

“The concerns are, look, you know, you can like China. You can like the Chinese people. The question is, when you set up an exchange program, as he did, to bring students to China, you’re not dealing with the Chinese people — you’re dealing with the Chinese Communist Party. And in the case of his program, it’s funded by the CCP. It was organized with the help of the CCP,” he said, beginning to lay out some of the issues, noting that students were told by Walz to tone down their “Americanness” when going to China.

Schweizer pointed out that it is “kind of odd, because if you’re having a cultural exchange, the purpose is to actually learn about the other culture.”

“You want the Chinese to learn about American culture, and certainly you wouldn’t want to tell Chinese coming to the United States to downplay their Chineseness. So there’s that element of it. There’s also kind of this odd relationship with the Chinese state,” he said, explaining that Walz chose to give a speech in 2019 to an organization which served as a front group for the CCP. This fact was recognized for decades, he explained, and was recognized by Democrats and Republicans alike.


“And yet, in 2019 he goes and gives them a speech. … Whenever he talks about China, it’s with a lot of warmth. And whenever there are issues raised about its human rights situation, there’s always a well, you know, we have the same kind of thing. We have the same problems. You know, the most famous one he did in 2010 was talking about the Tiananmen Square Massacre, when 10,000 people were killed by the Chinese military. And he said, ‘Well, you know, we had Wounded Knee.’ You know, of course, Wounded Knee was in the 19th century. Casualties were, you know, maybe one percent. It was a horrible situation. I’m not minimizing it, but to compare Wounded Knee with Tiananmen Square is kind of the ridiculous kind of comparisons that he tries to draw to sort of normalize CCP behavior,” Schweizer said, also noting that Walz chose to get married on the anniversary of Tiananmen Square.

“His wife says he wanted to do so because it would help him remember his anniversary, which is kind of bizarre,” he pointed out.

The connections do not end there, either, however. Schweizer mentioned the “secret police stations that the Chinese have here in the United States,” which are unofficial but are “so-called united front groups that exist in the West.”

“And they cooperate with Chinese intelligence, and they use it” to “intimidate Chinese that are living in the United States that don’t like the CCP or critical of the CCP,” he said.

“What happens is they will literally go around and visit people and say, hey, you know you need to shut up. You need to stop talking about this. You need to stop being so critical of the government. And there actually have been at least half a dozen documented cases where these networks have actually been involved in abducting people, that is, Chinese that are living in the United States, abducting them” and sending them back to mainland China,” he continued, explaining that there are seven of these entities, and one of them is actually in the Twin Cities in Walz’s Minnesota.

“And the organization that runs that secret police station is tied to a group called Minnesota Global, which is a Tim Walz organization,” he revealed.

“Now Tim Walz in 2020 and since 2020 has talked ad nauseam about the abuse by the police, the Twin Cities police, the local Minneapolis Police, about their terrible behavior with regards to how they arrest people,” he said.

“I have not found one criticism that Tim Walz has had of this Chinese secret police station that’s operating in the Twin Cities. So again, you have to wonder, why is there this disconnect?” he asked. “Why are you so critical and brutal on your own country, but you won’t do a scintilla of the same thing as it regards to China?”

“You just have to wonder why the governor is not doing anything about it, why he hasn’t called them out, why he hasn’t said stop doing this, because they’re harassing people in his state,” Schweizer said, noting that Walz love of China does not appear to be a case like the Bidens, “where there’s the financial part of it.”

“There’s no evidence that he made oodles of money doing this. You know, I think the only thing you can say is it’s, it’s either some sort of philosophical attraction to certain elements of left wing totalitarians, or, you know, to put it in the way I used to say in middle school, is wimpy behavior,” he added.

Breitbart News Daily airs on SiriusXM Patriot 125 from 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. Eastern.


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