Poland Now Wants To Form A 300,000 Strong Army Force

Poland is now talking about forming a 300,000 strong army, as we read in Kresy:
The head of the National Security Bureau gave an interview to the RMF station, during which he addressed the issue of the size of the Polish army. He said that a 300,000-strong army is the “right direction.” He noted that the set goal is difficult to achieve, but possible. He indicated that if we take into account the active reserve, as well as the personnel reserves that the army may have from among citizens who have completed professional military service or other forms of active military service, then the aforementioned size is achievable.
In the demographic context, Siewiera emphasized that Poland is a medium-sized country located in the center of Europe, with a population of 38 million and a historic opportunity to create a large army.
“Taking into account historical experience and the ability to educate an army, which was an operational army 40 years ago, such a demographic possibility undoubtedly exists” – Head of the National Security Bureau Jacek Siewiera in an interview for RMF.
This is no doubt being encouraged by both the Americans and the Germans, so they can have a proxy against the Russians. The question, is Poland going to cannon fodder in the case of a Russian-European war?
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