Jesus' Coming Back

One killed in explosion in Tel Aviv, possibility of suspected terror attack examined

50-year-old Gideon Peri, from Kedumin, was killed in an explosion on Lekhi Street in Tel Aviv on Sunday.

“Dozens of calls were received by the emergency center, reporting a loud explosion and body parts scattered on Lehi Street,” according to Central District Commander Perez Amer at around 8 p.m. He further added that when police forces arrived at the scene, they “noticed a mutilated body and signs of an explosion on the wall.”

Police initially were “having difficulty identifying the body,” nevertheless, they knew “it’s not an innocent civilian, but rather the person who was carrying the explosive device. Whether this is criminal or terrorism-related, it’s too early to say,” Amer emphasized.

Documentation of the explosion in Tel Aviv (credit: via Maariv)

Magen David Adom (MDA) paramedics said they found Peri unconscious with multiple systemic injuries, and later pronounced him dead.

In addition, a 33-year-old man was moderately injured. MDA paramedics provided the individual medical treatment and evacuated him to Sourasky Medical Center with shrapnel injuries to his limbs and chest.

In response to the incident, National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir said, “I share the grief of the Peri family by a terrorist in the Braun industrial zone near Kedumim. Our fight is against a cruel enemy on several fronts, and we must prevail on each one of them.”

Several possibilities examined 

Large police forces and Shin Bet (Israel Security Agency) were also at the scene. The circumstances of the incident are under investigation as all possibilities were being examined, including a criminal incident or a terror attack.

 Forces at the scene of the explosion in Tel Aviv. August 18, 2024. (credit: Via Maariv)
Forces at the scene of the explosion in Tel Aviv. August 18, 2024. (credit: Via Maariv)

MDA paramedic Nitzan Faraj said: “We were called to the scene due to citizens who heard a loud explosion. When we arrived, we saw the truck on fire, and next to it, a man about 50 years old was lying unconscious with severe multi-system injuries. After medical tests, he was without a pulse, and all we had to do was pronounce him dead on the spot.”


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