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Former AZ Gov. Doug Ducey Says Harris Must ‘answer for’ Failed Border Policies On the Campaign Trail; Harris was the Border Czar. Democrats and the Media Can’t Erase That

Former AZ Gov. Doug Ducey says Harris must ‘answer for’ failed border policies on the campaign trail::

Former Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey is registering voters in Arizona and Georgia, sounding the alarm on Vice President Kamala Harris’ border and economic policies in the two key swing states.

“I laughed out loud when you addressed her as the border czar,” the former gov told The Post in an exclusive interview.

Ducey, whose last two years in office coincided with Biden’s first two years in the White House, graded the administration poorly on the border.

“I served alongside three presidents: Barack Obama, Donald Trump, and Joe Biden. Joe Biden was by far the worst on the border,” adding that the border was in much better shape under the Trump administration.

“Today, the border is wide open and unprotected. Kamala Harris had never been to the border. She had never taken the border issue seriously as a United States senator or as vice president,” he continued.

Still, the Harris campaign is touting a recent executive order from the White House which capped asylum claims as border arrests began dropping off.

But many Republicans say this change came too little, too late.

“She’s never been to Arizona’s border to this date. And that is an issue that she has failed on…This was all avoidable with attention to the border, and this is something that Kamala Harris will have to answer for in this presidential campaign,” Ducey told The Post.

Beyond the border, Ducey’s administration was known for its economic reforms like income tax cuts, eliminating regulations on businesses, and balancing the state budget. —>READ MORE HERE

Harris was the border czar. Democrats and the media can’t erase that:

The Democrats’ claim that Kamala Harris wasn’t President Biden’s border czar borders on the bizarre. It contradicts everything the administration has said or done on immigration since Harris’s was given this ill-fated mission more than three years ago. For an administration already compromised on credibility, this plumbs new depths.

On July 25, Karine Jean-Pierre vainly tried to revise Harris’s border role: “We are going to debunk the false characterization of the vice president. She was not a border czar.”

Jean-Pierre is not alone; there is also a concerted effort by the administration’s media allies to expunge Harris’s responsibility for the administration’s historic illegal immigration surge.

On July 24, Axios reported on “confusion around the vice president’s exact role” on immigration. Yet it added an editor’s note explaining that: “Axios was among the news outlets that incorrectly labeled Harris a ‘border czar’ in 2021.”

The problem is that characterizing Harris as the administration’s “border czar” is not incorrect. The words, actions and timing of the administration and Harris both confirm it.

When Biden put Harris in charge of the border in March 2021, he said she would be part of a “full team” that would “deal with the problem here at home” and “in terms of in-country.” He added that “it’s not her full responsibility and job, but she’s leading the effort.”

So Biden’s appointment of Harris as the administration’s point person on immigration was about as comprehensive as it could be. The problem was not in its vagueness, but Harris’s execution of her comprehensive responsibility.

Less than three months later, Harris had an embarrassing June 2021 interview with NBC’s Lester Holt, in which she said, “We have to deal with what’s happening at the border, there’s no question about that. That’s not a debatable point.”

When Holt pressed her on visiting the Mexican border itself, something Harris had not done, she became defensive, saying: “At some point, you know, we are going to the border. We’ve been to the border. So this whole thing about the border, we’ve been to the border. We’ve been to the border.” —>READ MORE HERE

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