Jesus' Coming Back

The Five-State Solution?

Conservative Jews who support Israel are known to complain that, while the League of Nations created a jurisdiction called “Palestine” in 1922 to give life to the Balfour Declaration of 1917, the League wound up giving 77% to the Arabs (i.e., what became in 1946 the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan). This narrative is true according to the League’s map of Palestine—except that map is a fraud, and we know that by comparing it to maps of “Palestine” as it was known before World War I. However, there’s much more to the story of who’s occupying what land.

Here’s the surprising truth: While Israel is slandered today for ruling in allegedly “Occupied Palestinian Territory,” the cartographical record makes clear that three Arab states are occupying 53% of the classical map of the Holy Land (not to be confused with the fraudulent Mandate map). Any time these three want to create a new “Palestinian” state in historic Palestine, they can. Israel would not stop them and would not have to retreat from any of the land it captured in self-defense in 1967.

The most authoritative map of Palestine is found in the 11th edition of the Encyclopedia Britannica, published in 1911.” data-src=””>

Image courtesy of

Faisal, unlike contemporary Arab Muslims, supported the tiny Jewish state’s “from the river to the sea” because he believed it would bring progress to the Arab world.

In the League’s map, not only has the land that is now modern southern Lebanon disappeared from Palestine (it was handed to the French), but the Jordan River has been turned into the Jews’ proposed eastern boundary. All Eastern Palestine was to be cut off and slated for Arab ownership and rule, and that is what happened.

Most egregiously, the League’s boundary of eastern Palestine was pushed way out to annex that obviously unnatural, artificial, geometric bulge in modern Jordan that never was Palestine.

When the Paris Peace Conference opened on January 3, 1919, all involved assumed that the Brits would push to implement their Balfour Declaration. However, this enraged the leader of the Arabs in Jerusalem, the Grand Mufti Haj Amin al-Husseini. Haj Amin was adamantly and murderously opposed to a mandate that also identified “Palestine” as the “historic homeland of the Jews.”

In October 1919, he began publishing a newspaper in Jerusalem that he called Al-Suria al-Janubia/ Southern Syria. Its purpose was to combat the League’s plan to create a new jurisdiction called “Palestine.” Only Jews and Christians knew Palestine as a synonym for the Bible’s Promised Land. Haj Amin, however, insisted there never was such a country—and when it came to Islamic history, he was right.

On March 12, 1921—a year before the Palestine Mandate text was completed—British Colonial Secretary Winston Churchill met in Cairo with men from the Foreign Office, the Colonial Office, and the British Army, including High Commissioner in Palestine Herbert Samuel and Col. T.E. Lawrence (“of Arabia”) to discuss the Middle East’s future. They had just received fresh intelligence that Abdallah, brother to their ally Faisal, was marching northward from the Hedjaz toward Damascus with a force of three hundred tribesmen.

Abdallah’s goal was to drive out the French with whom the British were allied. Churchill decided to bribe Faisal with a state of his own as a reward for not attacking Damascus. The bribe took the form of that ridiculous, obviously unnatural extension that is eastern Jordan. Faisal had no conception of the boundaries of Palestine/the Promised Land and could be convinced he was getting 77% of it.

The net result was that Lebanon, Syria, and Jordan collectively wound up with 53% of the Britannica’s historically accurate map.

Here is a black and white Biblical map (using a less detailed version than the Britannica’s) that has been computer-enhanced to show how, since 1922, most of historic Palestine has been divided among Israel and three Arab states, which means the delusional, antisemitic Two-State Solution is really a Five-State Solution, each with a piece of the Jews’ Biblical Promised Land.

PHANTOM NATION: Inventing the “Palestinians” as the Obstacle to Peace is available at in hard cover or a Kindle ebook. His podcasts can be heard on

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