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Trump’s Environmental Triumph: How His Policies Delivered Clean Air, Water, and Economic Growth

As the November election approaches, voters are faced with a critical choice between two vastly different visions for America’s future.

On one side stands Donald Trump, whose presidency demonstrated a profound commitment to both environmental protection and economic vitality. On the other side, Kamala Harris, who represents a continuation of the Biden administration’s policies, which have, over the past four years, weakened America’s economic standing and environmental progress.

To understand why Donald Trump deserves the backing of both the working man and the businessman, it’s essential to examine the tangible benefits his administration brought to environmental and economic policy—and why the same principles are urgently needed once again.

Donald Trump’s presidency was marked by significant strides in environmental protection. Contrary to the narrative pushed by some of his critics, Trump’s environmental policies were not about neglect but about smart, effective stewardship. Under his administration, the United States saw some of its most substantial environmental improvements in recent history, all while fostering economic growth.

One of Trump’s most notable achievements was his administration’s proactive stance on water quality. The Trump administration invested over $38 billion in clean water infrastructure, addressing critical issues such as lead and copper contamination. This investment was not merely a financial commitment; it was a strategic move to safeguard vulnerable communities and ensure that every American had access to clean, safe drinking water.

This initiative had profound economic implications, reducing healthcare costs associated with waterborne diseases and lead poisoning, thus protecting both public health and productivity.

Moreover, the Trump administration took decisive action to eliminate lead-based paint hazards that jeopardized children’s health. By finalizing new rules, Trump’s policies ensured a safer environment for the youngest and most vulnerable Americans. This focus on reducing health risks translated into a more productive workforce and lowered long-term medical expenses, showcasing how environmental policies can directly benefit the economy.

In 2019, Trump’s America achieved the largest decline in carbon emissions of any country globally. This accomplishment is particularly striking considering the administration’s withdrawal from the Paris Climate Accord — a move often criticized by environmentalists. However, Trump’s strategy of reducing regulations and promoting energy independence led to a significant drop in carbon emissions. By fostering innovations in clean technology and encouraging energy efficiency, Trump’s policies demonstrated that environmental progress does not have to come at the expense of economic growth.

Under Trump’s leadership, American levels of particulate matter — one of the primary indicators of air pollution — became approximately five times lower than the global average. Between 2017 and 2019, the air quality improved markedly, with a 7 percent decrease in the combined emissions of major pollutants. This was achieved while maintaining a robust economy, proving that environmental protection and economic prosperity are not mutually exclusive.

Trump’s administration also led the world in greenhouse gas emissions reductions. From 2005 to 2018, the U.S. cut energy-related CO2 emissions by 12 percent, while other countries saw an increase of 24 percent. This leadership in emissions reductions was a testament to Trump’s commitment to both environmental protection and economic advancement.

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) under Trump saw a remarkable increase in its effectiveness, cleaning up more major pollution sites in FY 2019 than in nearly two decades. This proactive cleanup not only improved local environments but also revitalized communities, often creating jobs and stimulating local economies through investments in 118 Opportunity Zones.

Trump’s administration also placed a moratorium on offshore drilling off the coasts of Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Florida. This action protected vital marine ecosystems and local economies dependent on tourism and fishing, demonstrating a balanced approach to environmental protection that also considered economic impacts.

Additionally, Trump’s administration restored public access to federal lands at Bears Ears and Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monuments. By expanding access to these lands, Trump not only preserved natural beauty but also supported local economies through tourism and recreation.

Finally, the Trump administration achieved unprecedented success in recovering endangered and threatened species, a testament to its commitment to biodiversity and ecological balance. This focus on conservation had far-reaching economic benefits, from supporting eco-tourism to ensuring the health of ecosystems crucial for agriculture and industry.

In stark contrast, the current Biden administration has faced criticism for its environmental and economic policies. Despite high aspirations and ambitious plans, the results have been less than stellar. The Biden administration’s approach to environmental issues has often come at a significant economic cost.

Under Biden, the U.S. has seen increased energy costs and a strain on the domestic energy sector, partly due to policies that have restricted oil and gas production. These restrictions have led to higher energy prices, impacting both businesses and consumers. The increased cost of living and doing business under Biden’s policies has been a significant burden on the working class and small businesses alike.

Furthermore, the Biden administration’s environmental regulations have often been criticized for their overreach and lack of practical implementation. The regulatory burden placed on industries has sometimes stifled innovation and economic growth, while not always achieving the desired environmental outcomes.

Kamala Harris, as the Democratic nominee, represents a continuation of these policies. Her candidacy suggests more of the same—further regulatory burdens and higher costs without necessarily delivering proportional environmental benefits. This trajectory threatens to exacerbate the economic challenges facing American families and businesses, as seen over the past four years.

As we head into the November 2024 election, the choice between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris is clear. Trump’s record demonstrates a unique ability to balance economic growth with environmental stewardship. His administration’s achievements in reducing emissions, improving air and water quality, and protecting natural resources were realized while fostering a strong, resilient economy.

Trump’s approach was not about choosing between economic growth and environmental protection but about integrating both. His policies showed that it is possible to protect the environment while also supporting business and job creation. This balanced approach is what America needs once again — an administration that understands that a healthy environment and a thriving economy are mutually reinforcing, not mutually exclusive.

In contrast, Kamala Harris’s alignment with the current administration’s policies suggests a continuation of the economic challenges and environmental missteps that have characterized the Biden years. With rising costs and environmental policies that often seem to prioritize regulation over practical solutions, the risks of maintaining the status quo are significant.

As the election approaches, it is crucial for voters to consider not just the environmental rhetoric but the practical outcomes of each candidate’s policies. Donald Trump’s record provides a compelling case for why his approach to environmental and economic policy is both effective and necessary. His achievements demonstrate that it is possible to protect the environment while also ensuring economic vitality — a vision that is increasingly important as America looks to rebuild and thrive in the years ahead.

American Thinker

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