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What is the Harris-Walz platform and its implications for Israel?

As the 2024 US presidential election approaches, the Harris-Walz platform has garnered significant attention, particularly regarding its implications for Israel and the broader Middle East. This platform outlines the Democratic administration’s approach to foreign policy, focusing on a region that remains vital to US interests and global stability. 

Unwavering support for Israel’s security

One of the cornerstones of the Harris-Walz platform is its ironclad commitment to Israel’s security. The administration emphasizes the importance of Israel as a strong, secure, and democratic ally in the Middle East, vital to both US interests and regional stability. The platform reaffirms the 2016 Memorandum of Understanding, ensuring that Israel maintains its qualitative military edge and has the right to defend itself against threats, particularly from hostile entities like Iran and its proxies. “President Biden and Vice President Harris believe a strong, secure, and democratic Israel is vital to the interests of the United States. Their commitment to Israel’s security, its qualitative military edge, its right to defend itself, and the 2016 Memorandum of Understanding is ironclad.”

Response to the October 7 Hamas attack

The platform reflects a robust stance against Hamas, especially in light of the brutal attacks on Israel on October 7, 2023. The Harris-Walz campaign underscores that the US stands firmly with Israel in its fight against Hamas, condemning the violence and supporting Israel’s right to self-defense. This clear-cut support signals to Israel and the international community that the US will not tolerate terrorism that threatens Israeli lives and sovereignty. “President Biden and Vice President Harris have unequivocally denounced Hamas’s brutal attack on Israel on October 7, condemned the gruesome violence… and made clear that the United States wants to see Hamas defeated.”

Promoting regional integration and normalization

A significant aspect of the platform is its focus on regional integration. Building on the Abraham Accords, the Harris-Walz administration aims to further normalize relations between Israel and key Arab states, including Saudi Arabia. This strategic move not only seeks to stabilize the region but also to create economic and security synergies that could reduce the likelihood of future conflicts. Notably, the platform highlights the administration’s success in negotiating the first-ever civilian aviation agreement between Israel and Saudi Arabia, allowing Israeli aircraft to traverse Saudi airspace—a symbolic and practical step towards deeper regional ties. “President Biden helped negotiate the first-ever civilian aviation agreement between Israel and Saudi Arabia, allowing for overflight of Israeli civilian aircraft in Saudi airspace and leading to a more integrated and economically connected Middle East.”

Diplomatic and military strategy against Iranian aggression

The Harris-Walz platform also details a comprehensive strategy to counter Iran’s influence in the region, which directly impacts Israel’s security. Following Iran’s missile attacks on Israel in April 2024, the administration led an unprecedented defensive coalition to protect Israel and prevent a wider war. This approach demonstrates a blend of aggressive diplomacy and military preparedness aimed at deterring further Iranian provocations and ensuring Israel’s safety. “When Iran launched more than 300 missiles and drones against Israel in April 2024, President Biden led an unprecedented defensive coalition… to defeat the attack, protect Israel, and stop the spread of a wider war.”

 Democratic vice presidential candidate, Minnesota Governor Tim Walz, speaks during a campaign rally with U.S. Vice President and Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S., August 6, 2024. (credit: REUTERS/KEVIN LAMARQUE/FILE PHOTO)
Democratic vice presidential candidate, Minnesota Governor Tim Walz, speaks during a campaign rally with U.S. Vice President and Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S., August 6, 2024. (credit: REUTERS/KEVIN LAMARQUE/FILE PHOTO)

A vision for peace: The two-state solution

Despite the security challenges, the platform does not lose sight of the long-term goal of a two-state solution. The Harris-Walz administration remains committed to a negotiated peace that ensures Israel’s future as a Jewish and democratic state with secure and recognized borders while also upholding the rights of Palestinians to live in freedom and security. This dual commitment to Israel’s security and a viable Palestinian state reflects a balanced approach aimed at achieving lasting peace in the region. “President Biden is working to build a durable peace… and a negotiated two-state solution that ensures Israel’s future as a Jewish and democratic state with recognized borders and upholds the right of Palestinians to live in freedom and security.”

Humanitarian concerns and diplomatic engagement

The Harris-Walz platform also addresses the humanitarian crisis in Gaza, emphasizing the need for a durable ceasefire and easing humanitarian suffering while working towards the release of hostages. The administration’s approach combines military support for Israel with diplomatic efforts to de-escalate tensions and create a political horizon for the Palestinian people. This nuanced stance seeks to balance immediate security needs with longer-term diplomatic solutions. “The hard work of diplomacy under the President’s leadership has made real progress on a way forward that will free the hostages, establish a durable ceasefire, ease humanitarian suffering in Gaza, and make possible normalization between Israel and key Arab states.”

Conclusion: The Harris-Walz platform represents a continuation and deepening of US support for Israel, with a clear focus on ensuring Israel’s security, promoting regional stability, and pursuing peace through diplomatic and military means. For Israel, this platform signifies a reliable partnership with the US, with assurances of military support, diplomatic backing, and a shared vision for a peaceful future in the Middle East.


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