Jesus' Coming Back

A Win Over Artificial Intelligence

I sometimes practice my debate skills with AI. I like to stay abreast of the arguments liberals make, and asking questions of ChatGPT allows me to understand the prevailing thought on issues and prepare thoughtful responses. I don’t know if ChatGPT is fully “leftist” because of algorithmic training or just a robust absorption of mainstream media, but it is. I usually come away with more questions than answers about the premises the Left builds its arguments on.

Yesterday, though, I got a win from my AI debate — and some validation that we, as conservatives, are not the party violating so-called “democratic norms.”

I started our very respectful debate with a basic premise, asking the AI program, “Is Kamala Harris a communist?” I got a predictable answer: “No, Vice President Kamala Harris is not a Communist. She is a member of the Democratic Party, which is a centrist political party in the United States.”

I pressed on, asking about the current VP’s desire for “equity” rather than “equality” — something that is central to Communist beliefs. I was introduced by ChatGPT to “historically marginalized or disadvantaged groups”. We talked about my poor grandparents coming to this country from Ireland and I asked if they would be considered “historically marginalized” and got a very respectful lecture about not confusing individual prejudices with “systemic inequities.”

We went on, debating whether Donald Trump would be a dictator and whether he had violated democratic norms. (The answer, as you might expect, considered Trump’s ”authoritarian rhetoric and behavior” and “disregard for established norms” and gave a qualified “yes,” concluding with, “Ultimately, the legacy of Trump’s impact on democratic norms will likely be debated for years to come.”

I followed up with this question:

“Could it be said that the Democratic National Committee, in installing VP Harris to take over the position of presidential candidate without any kind of primary or voter approval, is also a violation of “democratic norms”?

The answer, from ChatGPT, was eye-opening. I am including the entire response below.

Jeremy Barande

American Thinker

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