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Obama’s Proxy Presidencies: No, You Can’t!

Mattieu Mabin, France 24’s Washington correspondent, reported on Barack Obama’s DNC 2024 speech Tuesday, noting:

It is remarkable to see how little Barack Obama has changed. What’s even more surprising is that, after leaving the White House nearly eight years ago, he can pick up his presidential rhetoric exactly where he left off, adding some required updates, and most notably, as if he were himself a candidate in 2024.

Oui, Monsieur Mabin, you’re right!  Barack Obama is, in effect, seeking his fourth term.

Obama served two terms as president from 2009 until 2017.  Following Donald Trump’s four years in the White House, Joe Biden was elected.  The Trump-Biden debate and Joe’s ouster as the 2024 candidate made it clear that Biden was not capable of being in charge for much of the past three and half years.  So who was? 

There are several candidates among the Democrat elite, among them the power pair, Bill and Hillary Clinton; Nancy Pelosi; Chuck Shumer; and Barack Obama.  There are certain indications that it was mostly the last.

Approximately three quarters of Biden’s key aides served under Obama. 

Biden’s key foreign policy posts (Antony Blinken, Jake Sullivan, Wendy Sherman as deputy secretary of state, Victoria Nuland as undersecretary of state for political affairs, and Jon Finer as deputy national security adviser) were primarily promotions from the Obama administration.

Even the leftist Washington Post reported on January 5, 2021 that the “concern around Washington is that the same people who crafted and defended President Barack Obama’s foreign policy won’t be willing or able to recognize, much less rectify, its shortcomings. “

Those concerns have turned out to be well founded.

The Biden administration replicated Obama’s policy of appeasement of the Iranian terrorist regime, which consistently violates the rights of its own people.  Iran is now clearly implementing its stated plan to destroy Israel, the only democracy in the Middle East. 

Biden’s foreign policy team released billions of dollars and frozen Iranian assets — $6 billion alone for the release of American hostages.  As a result, kidnapped Americans are among those being held in the tunnels of Gaza by the mullahs’ proxy, Hamas.  Iran is providing drone technology that Russia and Hezb’allah use to pummel American allies in Ukraine and northern Israel. 

The disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan set off a chain reaction that has united Iran, North Korea, Russia, and China, bringing the planet to the brink of a third World War. 

Four more years? 

That’s what Barack Obama wants.  Although the Constitution protects individuals from self-incrimination, the former president described his ideal third term to Stephen Colbert in 2020:

People would ask me, “Knowing what you know now, do you wish you could have had a third term?” And I used to say, you know what? If I could make an arrangement where I had a stand-in, a front man or woman with an earpiece in, and I was just in my basement in sweats, looking through the information and delivering the lines while someone else did all the talking and ceremonial stuff, I’d be fine with that.

There may be no definitive proof, but it seems safe to say that the front man was Joe Biden, and the front woman, should she win in November, will be Kamala Harris.

Mabin, the France 24 correspondent, reported that Obama’s “mastery of the crowd and the public makes him one of the candidate’s main assets.” 

Oratory and charisma, the former president’s strong points, are not talents that can be passed on to a proxy, as we have learned from Joe Biden. In fact, they are among Kamala Harris’s most glaring inadequacies. 

Victor David Hanson of the Hudson Institute says that the Dems have swapped a “cognitively challenged candidate” for a “linguistically challenged“ one. 

One only need hear Kamala’s famous ruminations on “conceptualizing time” and “unburdening,” her false claim that she had been to the Mexican border, to understand that we are dealing with putty — a moldable candidate who can successfully serve as the next proxy. 

No world leader, friend or foe, will take her seriously.

What’s more, she is being nominated literally by proxy.  No primaries, no challengers, and no debates.  There is something very undemocratic about the Democrat party!

Franklin Delano Roosevelt was the only president to serve four terms.  Faced with the Great Depression and the ensuing World War, Americans felt a compelling need for his leadership.  Following FDR’s death, Congress passed the 22nd Amendment, limiting presidents to two terms. 

The treacherous world situation, Kamala Harris’s lack of credibility as leader of the free world, and the Dems’ big-deficit economic plan could be the inverse of FDR’s 12 years of service.  A fourth Obama proxy presidency could very well generate economic depression and World War Three.

On November 5, Americans who care about democracy should go to the polls and send a resounding message to Barack Obama: no, you can’t!

The writer is a multicultural conservative.

<p><em>Image: Ari Levinson via <a href="">Wikimedia Commons</a>, <a href="">CC BY-SA 3.0</a> (cropped).</em></p>
<p>” captext=”<a href=''>Ari Levinson</a>”  data-src=””></em></strong></p>
<p><em>Image: Ari Levinson via <a href=Wikimedia Commons, CC BY-SA 3.0 (cropped).

American Thinker

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