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Media: The Enemy of the People

The word ‘bias’ is inadequate to describe what the mainstream media has devolved into. Bias means an inclination, leaning, or preference, but nothing beyond that. 

For instance, you may prefer the films of Akira Kurosawa, but you also enjoy the work of other masters such as Kubrick, Hitchcock, Bergman, Eastwood, and Fellini.

The members of the media don’t prefer the Democrats, they are DemocCNN Town Hall event for President Trump. Instead of allowing the audience to ask questions to President Trump, Collins tried to hijack the even by peddling Democrat propaganda. Her conduct and questions were so unbecoming that even her liberal CNN audience ridiculed her.

A few weeks ago during a conversation with Stephen Colbert, Collins, following CNN’s tradition, engaged in baseless claims about the Trump campaign. At this point, Colbert, who is also a Democrat PR agent, incongruously claimed CNN was “objective” and reported “the news as it is.”

Surprisingly, Colbert’s audience members, who are likely to be overwhelmingly liberal, began to laugh.

Collins seemed baffled by the laughter and couldn’t comprehend the obvious.

But that wasn’t the only humiliation Collins suffered recently. A few days back Collins was on Real Time with Bill MaherMaher, who is a liberal Democrat himself, challenged Collins about CNN’s coverage of the news, he focused on their panel discussions on Kamala Harris’ recent convention speech.

Maher mocked Collins and her panel for the “gushing” over Harris’ speech. He noted that she wrapped her speech at 11:09 ET, but it wasn’t until 11:23 that Collins had a conservative on the panel. The conservative in question is Scott Jennings, who may be a Republican but doesn’t exactly represent or understand the MAGA agenda.

Maher said that if he was a conservative, he would have been turned off by the fawning. He called out CNN for engaging in tokenism by having a sole conservative panelist and giving him little time. He argued that they should dispel the pretense and be like ‘The View’ or MSNBC, i.e. blatantly biased.

Once again Collins didn’t seem to comprehend the obvious and tried to defend herself, claiming she has Republicans on her show. What she didn’t reveal or probably doesn’t realize is that her conduct with Republicans is adversarial while she is cordial with Democrats.

This proves she is so deep in the echo chambers of the Democrat party that she genuinely cannot hear anything outside.

This could also be attributed to self-righteousness. She is so convinced of their moral superiority that she doesn’t see their obvious folly. Collins and her colleagues at CNN view Trump and his MAGA movement as the enemy that has to be defeated rather than covered. 

CNN isn’t the only propagandist; all ‘news’ channels, except possibly Fox News, are guilty. 

Every day these propaganda outfits host panelists who spout conspiracy theories, falsehoods, and hate without even a smidgen of challenge from the anchor of the show. The language is often coarse and even profane. The panelists are all Democrats or Trump-hating ‘Republicans’. The level of argument isn’t compelling either because the propagandists no longer care to convince those not in their echo chamber. It isn’t even good propaganda, because propaganda that looks like propaganda is bad propaganda.

Once upon a time, parents compelled their children to watch the news to improve the quality of communication. Back then there were standards of conduct, language, and quality of content. Those days are over. Responsible parents probably place a parental lock on MSNBC just as they do for channels that broadcast pornographic content. The news with its ugly coarseness is not dissimilar to pornography.

When bad behavior is prolonged, it ceases to shock people and soon it’s accepted as a norm.

This is exactly what has happened to the media, people paying attention expect them to be PR agents of the Democrats and no longer are enraged by their corruption.

The damage done by these PR agencies is immeasurable.

In a democracy, the people lend power to an individual and a party to govern. The individual governing doesn’t own power but is a temporary custodian. Since the people cannot always monitor those to whom they have lent their most powerful asset to, they rely on the media to be watchdogs.

The media is supposed to afflict the comfortable and comfort the afflicted, by asking tough questions of the powerful in the interest of the public

Alas, the watchdogs have devolved into lapdogs, who wag their tales servilely around their Democrat masters and leap when a bone is tossed in their direction.

This means all the various crises due to Democrats are either spun or not reported while President Trump is the target of myriad vicious fabrications. The result is a misinformed voter who makes a choice based on misinformation. 

This also means that the Democrats continue with their corruption, maladministration, and policies that have caused havoc because they face no challenge or backlash. 

We had a glimpse of how it would look if the media did its job. 

The Biden administration struggled following the debate when the Democrats decided to oust Biden from the race. That was a rare occasion when members of the media asked tough questions and challenged claims made by the Biden campaign, alas that was merely an act. 

President Trump was right to call the media the enemy of the people, their corruption is one of the reasons America finds itself struggling on many fronts.

The only choice fair people have is to abandon these vile propagandists. The risk is you may be uninformed, but that is infinitely better than being misinformed.

Image: AT via Magic Studio

American Thinker

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