Jesus' Coming Back

RFK, Jr. Learns About Democrat Tyranny

The best way to learn something is to experience it firsthand.  For example, a child experiences (learns) a hot stove by touching it.  Ouch!!  He won’t do that again.  It’s the same with tyrannical and authoritarian regimes — once someone experiences the oppression, dishonesty, deceit, and censorship of a communist, socialist, theocratic, or similar forms of government, they staunchly oppose those governments.  Once you experience the full brunt of an authoritarian regime, you never want to experience it again.

Decades ago, I learned firsthand of the dishonesty and deceitfulness of the Democrat party and their media.  I’ve been advocating against both ever since.  Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s “hot stove” moment of Democrat dishonesty, deceit, and censorship had to be lived for him to realize the authoritarians his former party have become.   

Kennedy, son of Senator Robert F. Kennedy who was assassinated while running for president in 1968, has been a lifelong Democrat advocating for all the standard leftist policies of climate change, bigger government, abortion on demand, etc., etc.  Then, early 2023, he announced he was running for president and sought to defeat Biden during the primary process.  That’s when Kennedy learned about Democrat Party tyranny.  His Dems did everything they could to thwart him every step of the way.  The DNC refused his campaign, refused to allow him to debate Biden, and refused his name on primary elections to such an extent that, by Oct 2023, he was forced from the party.  Then, when he tried to run as an independent, the DNC filed numerous lawsuits to keep his third-party candidacy off the ballot. The Dems have censored him on all the media outlets and on social media.  The Dems don’t want his message out there and have worked diligently toward that end.

RFK, Jr. quickly learned that the Dems of his youth are not the Dems of today.  In the 1950s and 1960s, the Dems were the party of transparency, supported the Constitution, favored civil rights, opposed big business, and opposed censorship. Today, the Dems disregard transparency (by selecting their candidate behind closed doors); are dismantling the Constitution (They want to do away with the Electoral College, abolish the Second Amendment, and are using Big Tech to silence speech.); oppose civil rights (Dems use skin color to pick and choose candidates for every position.); support big business (as long as those businesses favor them); and completely control Big Media (Last week, media coverage was 84% positive for Harris and 89% negative for President Trump.)

RFK jr.war on free speech” against him. RFK Jr. said that the Dems conducted legal warfare against himself (and Trump) by dragging him into court every time he tried getting on the ballot.

Regarding Harris’s nomination to be president, Kennedy finds it astonishing that Dems would allow someone to become the nominee who was so unpopular with the voters that she dropped out in 2020 before a single vote was cast, who refuses to be interviewed, and refuses to appear before voters unless she has a script to read from.  He finds it undemocratic to ask voters to vote for someone who refuses to provide information about themselves.  Kennedy asked how this sham process of throwing out Biden and installing Harris looks to the rest of the world, especially given that America prides itself on being the template for democracy.

So, how did a candidate who never did a debate, refuses interviews, and didn’t receive a single vote get the Dem’s nomination?  According to Kennedy, the Dems weaponized the government agencies (check – look at how the FBI, DoJ, intel agencies, etc. have attacked Trump), by suing the opposition (check — numerous lawsuits against Kennedy and Trump), by abandoning democracy (check — They kept Kennedy off the ballots and tried keeping Trump off.), and by disenfranchising American voters (check — They awarded Biden’s 14 million votes to Harris).  Kennedy directed his harshest criticism at the Dem’s censorship and their media control.  For example, on censorship, he said that in 1992, when Ross Perot ran as an independent, Perot was interviewed 34 times by the national media. This year, as an independent, Kennedy was interviewed only twice.  They want him silenced. 

As for Harris, earlier this year, she was the most unpopular vice president ever with an approval rating in the mid-30% range.  Why?  Because she’s an unlikable person.  She couldn’t keep staff because people don’t like working for her.  Outside of her husband, she has few friends because nobody trusts her.  Now that she’s the Dem’s candidate, she’s running like Obama did in 2008.  We knew almost nothing about Obama so people “projected” onto him all their “hopes and dreams.”  Harris is doing exactly the same, while telling us nothing about her agenda.

Since she seized the Dem nomination from Biden, she has done no interviews.  She doesn’t want us to know any of her policy positions.  Why?  Because if you know nothing about her, you can “project” onto her all your hopes and dreams.  Also, Harris is doing her best to imitate Biden from 2020.  Recall in 2020, Biden barely left his house during the entire campaign.  Instead, he made videos from his basement that told us nothing.  Now in 2024, Harris is telling us nothing about her policies.  Correction, she announced one policy — price controls, very much like Stalin imposed.  Her campaign said she would do interviews when she’s ready.  She’s been the nominee for 35-plus days and we hear crickets from her.  And because the media completely supports the Dems, they refuse to question her silence.  The real reason for Harris refusing interviews is because once she opens her mouth, everyone will see how unserious and unintelligent she is.  Once we hear her speak, her popularity and approval will plummet back to the 30% range where it’s been for the last three years.

Now that RFK, Jr. has felt the full brunt of Democrat oppression and authoritarianism, he’s joined forces with President Trump to ensure such tyranny is defeated.  I wish him (and Trump) well and pray for their success.  The country’s future depends on it.

Image: Gage Skidmore

American Thinker

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