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US State Department announces new sanctions against Israeli settler organization, individual

The United States is issuing new sanctions against an Israeli non-governmental organization and individual settlers following an uptick in violence in the West Bank, US State Department Spokesperson Matthew Miller said on Wednesday. 

Miller, while asserting it was imperative Israel “hold accountable any individuals and entities responsible for violence,” declared that the US was sanctioning Hashomer Yosh – which Miller claimed provided material resources and support to the US-designated Meitarim Farm outpost in addition to designated individuals Yinon Levi, Neriya Ben Pazi and Zvi Bar Yosef.

“Extremist settler violence in the West Bank causes intense human suffering, harms Israel’s security, and undermines the prospect for peace and stability in the region,” the spokesperson asserted.

Sanctions against Hashomer Yosh 

Hashomer Yosh is being designated pursuant to section 1(a)(iii) of Executive Order (E.O.) 14115, for having materially assisted, sponsored, or provided financial, material, or technological support for, or goods or services to or in support of, any person blocked pursuant to E.O. 14115. Filant is being designated pursuant to E.O. 14115 section 1(a)(i)(B)(1), for being responsible for or complicit in, or having directly or indirectly engaged or attempted to engage in planning, ordering, otherwise directing, or participating in an act of violence or threat of violence targeting civilians, affecting the West Bank.

Hashomer Yosh, founded in 2013, claimed on its website that its objective is to assist farmers in the West Bank, by providing guards, manpower for farming and by providing agricultural and security equipment.

 Ozzy Jackson, an 18-year-old settler walks in front of a flock of sheep at Kedar Sheep Farm near the Jewish settlement of Kedar in the West Bank, June 21, 2023 (credit: RONEN ZVULUN/REUTERS)
Ozzy Jackson, an 18-year-old settler walks in front of a flock of sheep at Kedar Sheep Farm near the Jewish settlement of Kedar in the West Bank, June 21, 2023 (credit: RONEN ZVULUN/REUTERS)

Sanctions against Yitzak Levy Filant

In addition to Hashomer Yosh, the department announced it was sanctioning Yitzak Levy Filant, the security coordinator for the Yitzhar settlement in the West Bank. 

Filant, Miller said, had performed “malign activities” outside the scope of his role in security.

Filant allegedly led an armed settler group to set up roadblocks and conduct patrols, which Miller claimed escalated to settlers pursuing and attacking Palestinians – “forcefully expel[ling] them from their lands.”

“The United States will continue to take action to promote accountability for those who commit and support extremist violence affecting the West Bank,” Miller concluded.


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