Jesus' Coming Back

The Democrat Abortion Convention

The Democrat Abortion Convention is over. The Democrats have vowed to keep abortion front and center during this election cycle. Their push for abortion is graphically evident at the Democrat National Convention (DNC) by the grisly presence of a mobile abortuary provided by Planned Parenthood (PP). They have virtually nothing else to run on. The record of the Biden-Harris administration has been constructed with one lie upon another, from inflation being only temporary to the strength of our military and economy (with its $35 trillion debt), to “slashing” the deficit, to “the border is secure.” Abortion hurts women and society, a characteristic of this administration, just like their attempted changes to Title IX hurts women.

Cardinal Timothy Dolan (NY) has identified the Democrat party as the “Party of Death.” They have made abortion the centerpiece of their policies, some going so far as to say pro-lifers are not welcome in the party, although about one-third of Democrats claim to be pro-life.

The Culture of Death is a Culture of Lies. In order to support abortion they need to keep the lies coming and obfuscate or deny the truth about life. They have even tried to claim biblical and religious support for their culture of death. This issue is about the dehumanization of life. In Europe and Canada we have seen an increase, not only in abortion (e.g., Ireland) but also euthanasia. As for a biblical perspective, there are many references to being formed in the womb, but this one is pretty clear: “God did not make death, nor does he rejoice in the destruction of the living.” Wisdom 1:13 Other examples include Psalm 139:13, “you knitted me together in my mother’s womb.”  (Cf. Is 44:2, Is 49:5, Jer 1:5, to name a few) To support the tearing apart of this work of God in the womb is contrary to God’s will.

“Life, especially human life, belongs only to God: for this reason whoever attacks human life, in some way attacks God himself.” Pope St. John Paul II, Evangelium Vitae, 25 March 1995, 9

Another lie is that abortion means freedom. Abortion enslaves the women who have them and is enslaving society. During the 2022 March for Life I heard the witness of a woman who had been pressured to have an abortion in her youth. She listed the lies that she was told throughout the process of getting an abortion. Despite being told that she would recover and heal, she is still suffering. She cannot bear children, and she suffers the pain of no children, no grandchildren, and the loss of the love she failed to give and as a result does not experience herself. This poor woman is still enslaved by that abortion. And she is not alone. Millions of women have similar stories.

They also claim that killing an innocent child is an act of love. They won’t admit that 77% of the population believes that there should be some restrictions on abortion. They lie about the child itself, claiming that it is just a blob of cells although science has repeatedly shown that we are talking about a distinct human child, in the environment designed for him at that stage of life.

They claim they are being denied “reproductive freedom.” Pro-lifers have nothing against reproductive freedom. What we object to is the careless unabashed willingness to kill innocent human beings. Biological science shows that at fertilization a new, unique human comes into being; a baby. News flash: once a woman becomes pregnant, reproduction has already occurred.

People’s consciences need to be stimulated to do what’s right. Doing what’s right in the face of adversity is a virtue, but then, the elites are bent on killing virtue as it would make them face up to principles of humanity.

Along with the lie that abortion is necessary for women to have meaningful lives, is that of torturing women with “forced childbirth.” The only form of birth control that works 100% of the time is abstinence from sex. All other forms of birth control have varying degrees of success. Now these women engaged in consensual sex (rape and incest account for less than 2% of pregnancies) and whatever birth control program they were on “failed,” and so they are now being “tortured” by being prohibited from killing this new, unique, distinct from the mother, child they have conceived.

Democrats see everything as racist. Yet, while African-Americans comprise 12.5-13% of the population about 30% of abortions are black children. They lie about the humanity of that child from the moment of conception. Bernard Nathanson, the founder of the National Abortion Rights Action League (NARAL), when he saw the child on an ultrasound gave up his lucrative abortion practice and become an avid pro-life advocate. And one of the most dangerous lies is that the abortion pill is easy, painless, and effective. They continue to hide the number of women who have been harmed or even have died from taking this “medication.”

Another lie is that abortion is an act of love. How can murdering one’s baby be an act of love? An act of love would be to carry the baby to term (healthier for the mother than an abortion) and give it up for adoption. Or, even greater, raise the baby yourself. Certainly this will involve sacrifice, but there is no sacrifice without love and there is no love without sacrifice. And most of those women who do so are happy with their child and with their choice, even victims of rape.

Yet there are a lot of people who call themselves Christians (and even Catholics) who not only believe that abortion is okay, but avidly promote it. The Didache, a first-century Christian teaching document, prohibited abortion as does the Catechism of the Catholic Church.

God is the Creator.  He created man in His image and likeness. Abortion is an act of destruction, not creation. But God is not in the Democrat platform. 

The only love in abortion is self-love to the exclusion of all else, meaning you hate everything that is not you, including God, essentially making yourself an idol. Pope St. John Paul II wrote, “the right to life, the most basic and fundamental right and the condition for all other personal rights” must be defended with maximum determination. (Christifideles Laici). Note recently that Harris conveniently left the “right to life” out of her attempted quote of the Declaration of Independence.

Abortion is the act of someone who loves self first, while Christianity teaches that we should die to self for love of Jesus and others.  Carrying a baby to term and, if necessary, putting it up for adoption, is an act of love and sacrifice.  Killing one’s baby is neither an act of love nor sacrifice. And those who advocate and support it are complicit in this grave sin. They deny the truth of love and life.

“Moral principles do not depend on a majority vote. Wrong is wrong, even if everybody is wrong. Right is right, even if nobody is right.” Fulton J. Sheen

Image: Ted Eytan

American Thinker

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