Carville: Only Way GOP Can Recover Is ‘Through a Blowout’ of Trump in November

Democratic strategist James Carville said Wednesday on MSNBC’s “The Beat” that the only way Republicans will move to a different leader than former President Donald Trump is if Vice President Kamala Harris has a “blowout” victory in November.
Host Ari Melber said, “Politico has real reporting, and this isn’t just speculation about Republicans who say they’ve had it. It’s a tight race, and if Trump actually lost, they could rebuild instead of being stuck with him. Quote, ‘Republicans wishing for a Trump loss include long-standing GOP figures throughout the nation who believe and wouldn’t dare say this publicly but are more than ready to move on from the Trump era.’ What does that mean?”
Carville said, “Remember, Republicans got blown out in ’64 and won the presidency in ’68. Democrats got blown out in ’72 and won the presidency in ’76. So, what I tell my Republican friends — if you want your party back if you want the kind of pro-business, lower taxes, lighter regulatory cuts, you know, stand erect at attention during the anthem, the only way you’re going to get that back is through a blowout. If Harris gets 280 electoral votes, it’s not going to change. And I think there’s a growing recognition of that not just from kind of elite, Washington, never-Trumpers, but there seems to be a sense of that on the ground also.”
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