Jesus' Coming Back

German Gov. to Foreign Criminals: Rape a 14-Year-Old; Get €1000 To Start A New Life

Last week, the German government, led by social democrat Olaf Scholz, deported 28 convicted criminals to Kabul. Among them was a rejected asylum-seeker who took part in the brutal and cunning gang rape of a 14-year-old girl. According to the German mainstream media, each of the deported criminals, including the gang rapist, was given 1000 Euros in cash to help start a new life back home in Afghanistan.

This is civilizational decline in action. It’s essentially a new Danegeld, one that sees Taxpayer’s money paid out by a morally adrift leftist system that prostrates itself in front of child-raping criminals for fear of being thought of as ‘racist,’ ‘uncaring,’ and ‘impolite.”

Illerkirchberg is a quaint Southern German district, so small that if you drive the county road from the regional city of Ulm towards Memmingen, you might pass through it before you even notice you entered. Just over 5000 people call it home.

A hill above the main village is graced by a rather unimpressive but ancient palace, the Fuggerschloss, with its 1000-year-long history. There’s a discount supermarket. The local football team plays in the district league. This is not the kind of place that should be in the news internationally for violent crime. But Angela Merkel’s reign changed Germany forever.

Recent immigrants to Germany demanding a Muslim caliphate. X screen grab.

Under Merkel, persecuted people—brave Afghan Hazara women or Iranian women fighting against tyranny—were left in limbo in countries like Turkey or Pakistan, unable to secure legal visas to Germany or afford a ticket out of hell. Meanwhile, privileged, fighting-age young men with no evident history of political dissent were able to afford to pay traffickers tens of thousands of euros to enter Germany illegally.

Once there, these men received generous public support by posing as ‘politically persecuted people.’ This comes even though many of these young men actually regularly go on holiday back to the countries where their life is supposedly ‘in danger.’

In 2019, the consequences of Merkel’s woke, unselective immigration policies led to tragedy in Illerkirchberg. After a party, a 14-year-old girl was lured to a refugee shelter that the government had opened in the village. There a group of foreign, asylum-seeking young men drugged her and then raped her nine times.

Long-standing journalistic convention and judicial practice in Germany prevents the public naming of offenders in most cases. We know, though, that four male foreign asylum seekers, aged between 17 and 26, were handed prison terms of over two years each after a judge found them guilty. Charges against a fifth male defendant, who was then 15, were dropped as part of a restorative justice agreement.

The victim’s mother later told a newspaper that friends of the convicted rapists were insulting and threatening to murder the victim, forcing her to move away from her home. The mother reportedly suggested that while officials seemed worried about reintegrating the perpetrators, no one seemed to worry about her daughter much. After being released from prison, one of the child rapists, an Afghan citizen, moved back to Illerkirchberg, causing local outrage.

In the meantime, in 2022, the village district saw another heinous violent crime. A young male Eritrean asylum seeker housed at another refugee shelter in Illerkirchberg stabbed, Ece Sarıgül, a 14-year-old Turkish-German girl, killing her. Ece had been walking to school when she was randomly attacked. The perpetrator was sentenced to life in prison.

At the time, the German government claimed it was impossible to deport anyone back to Afghanistan, regardless of their criminal record. But now, as the recent election in Saxony and Thuringia showed, both far-right and far-left parties are critical of mass immigration.

Suddenly, in the lead-up to the election, the government found a will and a way to deport these criminals, apparently with help from the radical Islamist regime in Qatar, which also hosts Hamas terrorists. The government has not announced which concessions, if any, Germany has had to make to the tyrannical, radical Islamist Qatari regime in exchange for this electorally opportune deportation. But this hasn’t stopped left-wing, social-democrat German chancellor Olaf Scholz from claiming that this paltry deportation would be a “clear signal” to criminals.

However, the German authorities, by paying 1000 euros of taxpayers’ money to the child rapist and the 27 others on board the flight, did send another clear signal. This cash was reportedly paid out to them as part of a government program to help deported non-EU citizens reintegrate into their home countries.

The goal is to ensure that deportees do not have to suffer “impoverishment,” which could be considered a breach of their “rights”. Before the past week’s deportation, government officials had already offered the child rapist this sum of money as a voluntary incentive for leaving Germany, unsuccessfully at that time.

A sovereign state should not have to entice or mollycoddle gang rapists with wads of cash. The fact that they do is not a small mistake in the system’s cogs, but a fundamental civilizational crisis. When Anglo-Saxon England paid Danegeld to marauding, uncivilized Vikings 1000 years ago, this did not purchase security for the English. Instead, it invited the Viking raiders to come back for more.

A few years before the First World War, the visionary German-Jewish writer and politician Walter Rathenau warned that the momentary glitter of an Age should not blind us to the dangers of what may come next.

I see shadows rising up, wherever I turn. I see them when I walk in the evenings through the pulsating streets of Berlin, when I look upon the insolence of our wealth gone mad; when I hear the meaninglessness of powerful-sounding words.

His wise, patriotic words failed to awaken sheltered, comfortable German society to the dangers of civilizational decay and blindness. More than a decade later, Rathenau himself paid the ultimate price for his courage when he was assassinated by proto-Nazi terrorists.

Many Germans today do not want to see what is happening with their society. They do not see the shadows rising up yet again. Blinded by Germany’s current prosperity, they do not wish to break with political correctness to consider what future portends for their democratic society.

Instead, they hide behind the meaningless words of myopic leaders like Olaf Scholz, who assure them with powerful platitudes that everything will be all right. Instead of fixing the deep-seated failures at hand, these politicians engage only in electoral cosmetics.

Yet, underneath this ever-crumbling facade of state power, primordial angst has awakened, and a tide of destructive, nihilist anger is rising. What it will sweep away when it is unleashed, no one knows. In the interests of our democracy, we should all hope we will never find out.

Generations of Kurdish and Turkish immigrants worked hard to turn West Germany into an economic superpower in the 1960s and 1970s. They took on the jobs no one else wanted to do. By their sweat, they transformed their adopted country into a modern, multi-ethnic society that reached remarkable levels of prosperity. They asked for no state handouts, only the wages for their long night shifts.

Today, however, the German state, blinded by leftist moral fanaticism, unselectively gives away the prosperity the early immigrants built to those uninvited, law-breaking newcomers who follow no rules and contribute nothing.

This woke break with the principle of the rule of law and meritocracy does not just fill the pockets of gang rapists with wads of cash. It is also, in effect, a campaign donation to those extremists who do not wish for the success of a meritocratic, multi-ethnic, democratic Germany. In this society, people are judged for what they achieve, not for how they look.

The very same government that vociferously claims to fight racism is, in fact, crudely and predictably breeding it with insane, woke policies that demolish public trust in the constitutional order and the principle of equality. It appears that 1000 euros of taxpayers’ money is the reward the German state gives to those who brutalize and violate its children. It is a “signal,” indeed. One of decay and demise.

American Thinker

Jesus Christ is King

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