The Same Principles That Allow Our Cells To Survive Also Allow Societies To Thrive
Reasoning by analogy is a tricky business, but its accuracy is always worth exploring. Considering fractals: ‘Similarity at different scales’ is the principle underlying fractal presence in all complex systems. We can apply that theory to certain fixed principles governing our world.
When it comes to the human condition, the fixed principles that play out on scales both large and small are apoptosis, ferroptosis, autophagy, and necrosis, the four methods the body uses to deal with dysfunctional cells.
Apoptosis occurs when a cell that has detected a serious problem in its programming automatically destroys itself. In this way, we fight the development of cancer. Each cell takes responsibility for the entire organism’s health by recognizing signals from the whole unit that it should cease its deviance and disappear.
Ferroptosis kills a cell through an environmental chemical attack that thickens the cell’s walls and weakens its energy production until it can no longer function.
American Thinker
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