Jesus' Coming Back

Trump’s Debate Anger Reflects America’s Anger

Trump won the debate hands down. He hit home runs left and right. His performance was motivated by anger. He is angry. Voters are angry. People are calling into conservative radio talk shows to say Trump’s debate anger is what they feel.

What they saw was someone who feels American’s hurt and who reflects their anger. Trump would not be human if he were not madder than a wet hen at what’s happening to the country and to him for trying to save the country, with the J6 lies, the lawfare, the avoidable attempt on his life, and a three-on-one ambush debate.

Who in their right mind would not be angry at what’s going on with the get-Trump agenda, and the vile divisiveness of the radical leftist administration? Kamala smiled in his face with a disingenuous opening debate handshake and then proceeded to disparage him with lies, condescension, and abject disrespect. Trump is being criticized by the talking heads because he didn’t do this or that in the debate. His emotion was what was called for at that moment — outrage! Ronald Reagan was outraged at 1980 GOP debate when he angrily said: “I am paying for this microphone.”

Newt Gingrich was angry at the 2012 debate when the CNN host, John King, asked him about his second ex-wife’s allegation that he suggested she accept his affair as part of their marriage. Gingrich said, “I think the destructive, vicious, negative nature of much of the news media makes it harder to govern this country, harder to attract decent people to run for public office,” he said to thunderous applause during the forum in Charleston, S.C. “And I am appalled that you would begin a presidential debate on a topic like that.” To even more enthusiastic applause, the former House speaker added, “I am tired of the elite media protecting Barack Obama by attacking Republicans.”

Pundits are saying Trump lost the debate, partly because he was angry and showed a stern mirthless countenance. Not so! Witness the panicked Harris camp two minutes after the debate wanting a rematch. Why would anyone in their right mind want a rematch after over 90% of Democrats approved of their candidate’s “stellar” performance. Trump did not ask for a rematch. If Trump wanted a rematch, then one can deduce that Harris had won. When you beat someone in, say, a golf match, the loser immediately wants to set up a rematch. Many people want to get back at you if they lost. It’s just in peoples’ nature.

Harris said, “I support Medicare for all. It is my preferred policy.” She wants to do away with private health insurance — to be replaced by more government.

Trump envisions less government, much less government. He wants government out of our lives, out of our homes, out of our cars, out of our grocery stores, out of our airlines, out of the fuel industry that keeps us warm in the winter. He understands people want to be taken care of and tend opt for a government to fill that role, but he also understands that will not be needed if a healthy business sector provides jobs, because jobs give people pride, purpose, and the capacity for ownership, versus government welfare systems that keep people listless and indigent for generations. A job is the “welfare” of a healthy society.

Like a father to an indignant child, Trump answered Harris’s lies and empty promises the way Babe Ruth hit home runs. One home run was his answer to Harris’s copying Biden’s economic plan, saying it was about four sentences of “run spot run” sophistication. Another home run: when Trump asked her point blank if she supported abortions outside the womb, Harris looked the other way and did not answer. Trump swatted the ball again over the fence again with: “Joe Biden still hates the Veep after the palace coup that ended up in his removal from the 2024 Democratic ticket. I’ll give you a little secret: He hates her… He can’t stand her, but he got 14 million votes. They threw him out. She got zero votes.” Another home run was when Trump said she has no economic policy, instead adopting Trump’s policy to the point that Trump offered “I’ll send you a MAGA hat.” Biden is already wearing a Trump hat, so why not Kamala too?

Trump’s anger is America’s anger. He won that debate, if only because Harris wants a rematch. Every red-blooded American should be at least as angry as President Donald J. Trump.

Image: Defense Visual Information Distribution Service

American Thinker

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