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Israel says it thwarted Hezbollah plot to kill former defence official

The Shin Bet (Israel Security Agency) said on Tuesday that it had foiled a plot by the Lebanese terrorist group Hezbollah to assassinate a former senior defense official in the coming days.

The Shin Bet agency did not name the official. It said in a statement that it had seized an explosive device attached to a remote detonation system, using a mobile phone and a camera, that Hezbollah had planned to operate from Lebanon.

The targeted individual was informed by security forces and briefed according to the developments. According to the Shin Bet, the infrastructure behind the plot is the same one responsible for last September’s failed attack at Yarkon Park in Tel Aviv. The device that was discovered bears similarities to the bomb used by Hezbollah in last year’s attempt at Yarkon Park, which was intended to target a senior Israeli official. The explosive was equipped with a remote activation mechanism based on a camera and cellular system, meant to be triggered from Lebanon by Hezbollah operatives.

The Israeli security establishment believes that Hezbollah elements involved in this recent event were also behind the attack in September 2023. “It should be emphasized that this infrastructure has been under surveillance for some time,” the Shin Bet said. 

“The Shin Bet, alongside its partners in the security system, will continue to utilize all available resources to monitor and thwart Hezbollah’s terrorist activities.” In the background, intense discussions are ongoing within the political and security leadership regarding a response to Hezbollah.

 Two people watch a fire caused by Hezbollah rockets on September 12 in northern Israel. September 12, 2024. (credit: SETH J. FRANTZMAN)
Two people watch a fire caused by Hezbollah rockets on September 12 in northern Israel. September 12, 2024. (credit: SETH J. FRANTZMAN)

Hezbollah bombs found in Israeli territory

This is the third Hezbollah explosive device discovered in Israeli territory in the last two years. In March 2023, an explosive was detonated at the Megiddo Junction, severely injuring Sharaf al-Din Khmaisi, a young Israeli. Subsequently, details emerged about the ease with which the terrorist managed to infiltrate Israel: he used a ladder to bypass the fence and then traveled dozens of kilometers into Israel without being detected. 

After the bomb went off, the terrorist was apprehended in the Western Galilee, likely on his way back to Lebanon, carrying a significant amount of ammunition. The driver who transported him was also arrested but later released when it became clear that he was unaware his passenger was an armed terrorist.

Reuters contributed to this report. 


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