Jesus' Coming Back

Gallant compliments Mossad as devices explode across Lebanon


Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, in a speech about the situation in the North, explicitly complimented the Mossad, along with the entire defense establishment, for “great achievements” just as the region continued to convulse with news of devices exploding across Lebanon.

Gallant did not take explicit credit, and Israel has been careful not to take public credit for the exploding beepers on Tuesday or the exploding devices on Wednesday, but the timing and juxtaposition of his rare mention of the Mossad along with the new round of explosions was striking.

‘New stage in war’

He also stated Israel was beginning a new stage in war.

“The center of gravity is shifting northward, meaning that we are increasingly diverting forces, resources, and energy towards the North,” he said.

Defense Minister Yoav Gallant visits an Israel Air Force base. September 18, 2024. (credit: DEFENSE MINISTRY)
Defense Minister Yoav Gallant visits an Israel Air Force base. September 18, 2024. (credit: DEFENSE MINISTRY)

Gallant added, “This operation is being carried out by all the bodies, and the mission is clear and simple – to return the residents of the northern communities to their homes safely.”


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