Jesus' Coming Back

The Death of the Washington Establishment


Regardless of the outcome of the 2024 election, the Washington Establishment is facing its inevitable demise. If Donald Trump wins and a populist Republican Party controls Congress, their power and influence will be dramatically curtailed. If Kamala Harris wins she will be controlled by the Marxists who also dominant the Democrat Party. Once they control the White House and Congress, the Washington Establishment will inevitably be displaced and eliminated.

There are no offices on Connecticut Avenue in Washington with a sign reading “The Washington Establishment.” Rather, it is an amalgam of like-minded groups with one common interest: the control of the bureaucracy (or “Swamp”) and the attendant government purse-strings.

The Washington Establishment came into being in the mid-1930s and has been in power for nearly ninety years. It presently consists of three distinct branches. The first, the shrinking Franklin Roosevelt coalition within the Democrat Party. The second, the remnants of the post-World War II Republican Party, often referred to as “RINOS” and more recently “NeverTrumpers.” The third is the legacy or mainstream media.

Over the past ten years the Establishment has been solely focused on defeating the first serious threat to their power in nine decades — Donald Trump. Their primary weapon has been to follow in the footsteps of despots throughout the centuries in demonizing Trump and his supporters while mindlessly allying themselves with and abetting the Marxists currently taking over the Democrat Party.

When voters are asked why they are voting for a vacuous Kamala Harris, and before her a senescent Joe Biden, they almost invariably respond, not with anything positive about either of them or their policies, but the necessity of defeating Donald Trump who is another Hitler, a “threat to Democracy,” a racist, a misogynist, a homophobe, and a serial liar. Thus, America must not be allowed to fall into the clutches of the worst human being to ever walk the face of the earth.

One of the most successful strategies used by the dictators that ran roughshod over the Twentieth Century was to create a “cult of personality” as a means of manipulating the citizenry into robotically supporting them as omnipotent leaders. The tactics used to create cults of personalities have also been used to create an alternative end-product — the mindless and all-consuming societal animosity for someone designated by the ruling regime as an existential threat to the nation.

This overarching strategy is not new. Over the centuries, going back to the Roman Empire, autocrats have used the tools of government, imagery, manipulation, and propaganda in order to present themselves as superhuman leaders who must be admired and loved by an essentially illiterate and subservient populace. Thus, the “unwashed masses” would mindlessly follow these demigods into endless wars or societal upheavals in the belief that their leaders were invincible.

It did not take long for these authoritarians to realize these same tools could also be used to successfully isolate and tyrannize “enemies of the state” and scapegoat certain political, ethnic, or religious groups as a means of retaining power or keeping their societies in a constant state of turmoil. The most notable example of the unabashed use of these tactics is the two millennia persecution of the Jews.

Thomas Nast

American Thinker

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