Jesus' Coming Back

A Target on His Back — Trump as the New John Wick


So now we have the murmurings of a third possible assassination attempt on the life of former President Trump. Multiple attendees seated onstage at Trump’s Tucson rally experienced severe eye pain afterward, requiring emergency room treatment. The initial indication supports the premise that there was possibly some kind of agent released in the air that caused the malaise. Granted,  information is sparse at this point, but would anyone be surprised if it were true? You can almost feel it, the rising excitement in the lunatic fringe. The Secret Service and the FBI have shown themselves to be ineffective in protecting the former President — whether through DEI-fomented incompetence or by Machiavellian design. Pure luck or divine intervention prevented Trump’s assassination in Pennsylvania when he providentially turned his head, so the bullet only struck his ear; stupidity prevented it in Florida when the assassin allowed the barrel of his rifle to be spotted by a member of Trump’s security detail. The repeated failures of the security agencies have sent a message to the crazies on the Left: go ahead and take your best shot.

You can practically hear the hundreds of lefty lunatics scrambling to gather guns, knives, bombs, poisons, deadly gas, and anything else they can think of to use in their efforts to ‘get Trump.’ Trump is now like John Wick in the movie John Wick 2. For the uninitiated, John Wick was a master assassin who violated the ‘code of ethics’ of his brotherhood. As punishment, the leaders of the brotherhood put out a contract on him and hundreds of professional assassins raced to be the first one to kill John Wick and collect millions in bounty.

Lester Holt of NBC News blamed Trump. Trump’s own rhetoric, he implied, inspired the assassination the attempts on his life. Talk about shaming the victim. Tellingly, there have been no assassination attempts on the Democrat presidential nominee — and thankfully so. But if Trump’s rhetoric was so violent, why haven’t there been similar assassination attempts from the fringe right on Kamala Harris or Tim Walz?

This is all deadly serious. Donald Trump has been attacked twice in two months — and possibly a third time last week in Tucson. He has been fortunate so far, no thanks to the Secret Service. Yes, the Secret Service agent in Florida spotted the rifle barrel protruding from the bushes — but the man wielding that weapon had been in hiding there for twelve hours. Yet another whistleblower has come forward to disclose that security checks for the golf course were not carried out according to protocol. The perimeter of that course should have been thoroughly inspected before Trump even started his round. If the shooter was there a full twelve hours before the game, then obviously that didn’t happen.

Already the naysayers are downplaying the event. “The only gunshots were from the Secret Service.” “The shooter was 300 to 500 yards away.” Thank God the only shots were from the Secret Service. That doesn’t lessen the danger this shooter presented; his rifle was poised and ready. And yes, the shooter was 300 to 500 yards away. He was stationed at the 6th hole; Trump was on the 5th. Eventually, Trump would have walked right up into point-blank range.

But the race is on and the crazies on the Left are scrambling to answer the call; more attempts on the former President’s life are highly likely, especially as election day draws nearer. The Dems are desperate. They’re ramping up their rhetoric and pulling no punches. They are inspiring hate and desperation in their minions — and we can expect that desperate haters will do desperately hateful things to ‘save democracy’.

Eric Dawe is an award-winning writer, chess enthusiast, and author of two historical novels base on Virgil’s ‘The Aeneid’: ‘Aeneas, Last King of Troy’ and ‘Aeneas, Landfall of Legend’.

Image: AT via Magic Studio

American Thinker

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