Jesus' Coming Back

Israel strikes back: Long overdue action against Hezbollah’s threats

After years of constant provocations, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) have finally responded with decisive action against Hezbollah in Lebanon.

For too long, we’ve been on the receiving end of aggression, with rockets launched indiscriminately at our towns and strategic threats looming over our borders. Now, after numerous warnings and international appeals, the moment has come for Israel to defend itself without apology. It’s about time.

Let’s be clear: this response is not just justified; it’s long overdue. Imagine if Mexico took over parts of California or launched missiles into Texas – would the United States react any differently? Of course not.

No sovereign nation can stand idle while its citizens are targeted and its security is undermined. Israel is no exception, and as a nation, we are standing up for our right to live in peace, free from the shadow of terror.

Yet, while this moment is a necessary and bold step, we must all be prepared for what lies ahead. This is not a simple tit-for-tat exchange or a minor flare-up; it’s a significant escalation that could bring real challenges to our doorstep.

 Israel's Iron Dome anti-missile system operates for interceptions as rockets are launched from Lebanon towards Israel, amid cross-border hostilities between Hezbollah and Israel, as seen from Haifa, Israel, September 23, 2024. (credit: REUTERS/Ronen Zvulun)
Israel’s Iron Dome anti-missile system operates for interceptions as rockets are launched from Lebanon towards Israel, amid cross-border hostilities between Hezbollah and Israel, as seen from Haifa, Israel, September 23, 2024. (credit: REUTERS/Ronen Zvulun)

Hezbollah is not a minor adversary – they are a well-armed, well-funded terrorist organization backed by Iran, and they have spent years preparing for this confrontation. We know their tactics: hiding weapons in civilian areas, using human shields, and spreading disinformation to paint Israel as the aggressor. But make no mistake; Hezbollah’s aim is clear: to disrupt our lives, instill fear, and, if possible, inflict real damage on the heart of our nation.

For Israelis, this means we must be vigilant and prepared. Long-range missiles may soon target buildings in the center of Israel, a scenario we have not faced since the Gulf War. Sirens may become a regular occurrence, and the comfort of normalcy might feel distant.

Every citizen, whether in the North, the center, or the South, must take these threats seriously. Go to your safe rooms, stock up on essentials, ensure you have a plan for your family, and be ready to act swiftly when alarms sound.

Our government and military leaders have been forthright: this will not be an easy period. The IDF is expanding its operations in the Bekaa Valley, a region in Lebanon that Hezbollah has transformed into a fortress of rockets, drones, and long-range strategic weapons.

Hezbollah protected by civilians

The strikes are aimed at dismantling this terror infrastructure, but the road to safety is not without obstacles. Hezbollah has embedded its weapons in residential areas, turning civilian homes into armories. This is not just a military challenge but a moral one – our forces must navigate a landscape filled with complex ethical dilemmas, all while defending our nation from imminent threats.

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But amid the chaos, we must not lose sight of the bigger picture. This conflict is not about revenge or mere retaliation; it’s about survival. Hezbollah has spent years stockpiling weapons, many provided by Iran, with the express intent of using them against us.

Israelis must also understand that international criticism will follow. Already, we hear voices from around the world decrying civilian casualties in Lebanon, yet often these critiques ignore a fundamental truth: Hezbollah’s use of human shields is a war crime.

The IDF has repeatedly warned Lebanese civilians to evacuate areas where Hezbollah has hidden its weapons, a warning not always heeded. Hezbollah’s strategy is to hide behind the innocent, hoping to win sympathy when the inevitable occurs. But Israel cannot allow this tactic to deter us. We must stand firm, knowing that our actions are just and necessary.

As we move forward, patience and resilience will be our greatest strengths. There may be dark days ahead. Remember, this is not just a battle of bombs and bullets; it’s a battle of wills. Israel’s resilience has always been our greatest weapon. We have faced existential threats before, and each time, we have emerged stronger.

Stay strong, be prepared, and keep faith. This is our home, and we will protect it with all our might. Stand with the IDF, support our security forces, and know that together, we will weather this storm. Israel will prevail because it must – because our only option is to fight for our survival.


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