Jesus' Coming Back
Daily Archives

September 24, 2024

The Democrat Party’s False Words

In T.S. Eliot’s classic poem “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock,” one of the lines reads, “In the room the women come and go / Talking of Michelangelo.” These eleven words capture the superficiality of the educated classes as…

10 Million Illegal Aliens: What Is to Be Done?

After the economy, illegal immigration ranks highest among voters’ concerns. President Trump has spoken of “mass deportations” of the more than ten million illegal aliens who have flooded our country under…

Educating about Jihadists

With Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity (DIE) and Critical Race Theory (CRT) overshadowing an instructor’s life, it is a challenge to educate. Nonetheless, sometimes there is a glimmer of hope.One of the assigned readings where I…

Why I Love Liberals (and You Should, Too)

Ayn Rand once said that in a totalitarian society like Soviet Russia, one kind of man that didn’t exist was the businessman. I would add that there also aren’t many liberals. There are, on the other hand, plenty of…

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