Jesus' Coming Back

The Son Of The Man Who Wanted To Murder Trump Kept Hundreds Of Videos Of Child Pornography In His House


The son of Ryan Routh (the guy who wanted to murder Trump) had hundreds of videos of child pornography in his house. As we read in Fox News:

he son of would-be Trump assassin Ryan Routh has been taken into custody on federal charges of possessing child pornography.

Authorities seized multiple electronic devices from 35-year-old Oran Alexander Routh’s home in Greensboro, North Carolina on Saturday that investigators say contained “hundreds” of files with child exploitation material. The illicit material was discovered during a search conducted “in connection with an investigation unrelated to child exploitation,” according to a criminal complaint.

Routh has been charged with receipt of child pornography and possession of child pornography.

The FBI conducted a search of Oran Routh’s home on Sept. 21 as part of the investigation into his father. Investigators confiscated several electronic devices, including a Samsung Galaxy Note 9 device. After authorities obtained a warrant to search the electronics, investigators discovered child pornography videos on an SD card located in the Samsung device.

“A review of the SD card located in Device-1 revealed that it contained hundreds of child pornography files,” the criminal complaint states. “These files include videos from a known child pornography series created outside the state of North Carolina.”

Investigators subsequently found a second device they say contained child pornography and described the content of those videos in graphic detail.


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