Jesus' Coming Back

American Blacks — Please Read This Before You Ever Vote Democrat Again

It’s election time again and that means it’s time for the Democrats’ regular pilgrimage to black communities to remind them of our sad state of affairs where racist evildoers — Republicans of course — actively work to keep black people down.

And the only hope for relief is by voting for Democrats — who, by the way, have run the country for 12 of the last 16 years. 

This race-baiting is disgusting but is what even more disgusting is that large portions of the black community buy into it.

Due to the sad state of this country’s K-12 public education system — and the poorer one is, the worse it is — most blacks don’t seem to know it is the Democrat party that has a long, well-documented history of actively working against black men and women — from the days of slavery right up to today. The Ku Klux Klan was formed as the military arm of the Democrat party.

One of the most insidious and destructive policies unleashed on all poor people, but primarily directed at the black family, was President Lyndon Johnson’s War on Poverty. It was supposedly intended to “not only to relieve the symptom of poverty, but to cure it and, above all, to prevent it.” 

This was a lie, and a knowing and evil plan that while wrapped in supposed good intentions was really designed to destroy the black family structure — keeping them dependent on government forever. LBJ admitted as much with his brag that “I’ll have them n*ggers voting Democrats for 200 years.”

It didn’t border on evil, it was evil — and remains so to this day.

For in this welfare plan was a simple, but diabolical design certain to damage poor families — black, white, and everyone in between.

An honest fellow Democrat, Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan begged LBJ to not include this provision as he knew its evil intent. But LBJ refused to do that as this was the linchpin of his entire plan.  His plan to have blacks — and all poor people — vote Democrat for 200 years wouldn’t work without the destruction of poor families.

What was this linchpin?  The inclusion of a provision that all these wonderful welfare benefits would be available to black mothers and children but only if no father — or any man really — was involved in their home lives and their children’s lives.  And the more fatherless children they had, the more money they got.  The much maligned “welfare queen” was a planned creation of the federal government.

took off in the mid-1960s and have never looked back.  Just as planned.

This was very damaging to all the poor but blacks bore the brunt of this planned and orchestrated assault on their families.

Think of all the pain, suffering, and grief this has caused millions of families. Families have suffered generational damage that continues to this day.

These families made it through the horrors of slavery. They prospered even during the worst of Jim Crow times — also a primarily Democrat operation. Yet a supposed plan to “help” these folks achieved its ultimate true goal, the destruction of the poor family and their forever dependence on government — read Democrat.

Combine this planned assault with the K-12 public schools these children are forced to attend — and you have the perfect Democrat-producing voting machine. The schools ensure these children have few, if any financial and career opportunities. 

It is not uncommon in some of these schools to not have a single student proficient in any subject. What economic future awaits these victims? What life awaits these victims? And yes, these individuals are truly victims of this sinful plan.

Even today, a poor young black woman will have far more luxuries and material wealth if she gets knocked up than otherwise — but only if no father is around!

Think of all the graveyards filled with the victims of this governmental plan. Think of the generations of angst and pain suffered by millions. It didn’t just happen. It was a plan that was set in motion by the federal government.

I will be the first to admit the Republican party is a very flawed vessel but at least they didn’t implement a successful plan to destroy the poor black family structure, thereby forcing millions to become dependent on government. 

Please think before you give Democrats your vote. You will only be rewarding the political party that has done what slavery and Jim Crow couldn’t accomplish — destroying the strong black family with the goal of forever enslaving blacks to the Democrat party.

Please help end this obscenity.  Only you can do it.

John Conlin is an expert in organizational design and change.  He is also founder and President of E.I.C. Enterprises. He has been published in American Greatness, The Federalist, The Daily Caller, American Thinker, the Houston Chronicle, the Denver Post, and Public Square Magazine among others.

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