Jesus' Coming Back

Israel Faces Existential Threats from Hamas and Hezbollah


For years, the Democrats (Obama, Biden, Hillary, Kamala, etc.), Big Media, Hollywood elites, Big Tech, and even the military have called President Donald Trump an “existential threat” to America and to our democracy.

First, the U.S. is not a democracy; we’re a constitutional republic.  A true democracy is simple majority rule, best understood as Hillary, Pelosi, and Trump voting on who to throw in prison, or two wolves and a sheep voting on the dinner menu — meaning the simple majority become dictators over the minority.  However, a constitutional republic is based on a constitution with checks and balances that prevent the majority from becoming authoritarians.

Second, Trump is clearly not an existential threat.  The Dems, along with all their minions of voters, and the media, knows that fact.  How do we know they know?  Simple, we already had four years of a Trump presidency.  He never was a threat to “our democracy.”  (The FBI said that January 6th was not an insurrection despite what Pelosi and Liz Cheney claimed.)  Additionally, if the Dems truly believed he were the threat they claim he is, Biden, Kamala, and all the others would be cheering for those who tried to assassinate him.  They didn’t do that.  Instead, they called him and expressed concern for his safety and promised more protection.  So, their claim of “existential threat” is further proof that the media and the Dems (especially their politicians) are dishonest. 

That said, an existential threat (ET) is defined as “a threat to the survival of a people or the long-term potential of humanity.”  Basically, an ET is a threat to a people’s/nation’s existence and/or survival.  A couple of historical examples will help understand the definition.  The white man was an ET to the native/indigenous inhabitants of the Americas.  Within decades of Columbus discovering the island of Hispaniola, 95% of the natives were gone.  It took several centuries, but the same result happened to the indigenous peoples of North, South, and Central America who were wiped out by the new inhabitants, mostly from Europe.  One could argue that the European discoverers didn’t intend to kill off the native peoples, but whether they intended to or not, the result was the same.  A much more recent example of an intended existential threat was Nazi Germany and European Jews.  The Nazis used an organized, systematic effort (called the Final Solution) to exterminate the Jews in countries and areas they occupied.  They were hugely successful, killing roughly 70% of the Jews in Europe.  If they had had a few more years, that figure would have approached 95% or higher. 

You would hope the world would have been so appalled at the Nazis’ genocide directed at Jews, that we would demand “never again.”  And for a short period of time, the world was appalled.  Sadly, that short period lasted about 20 to 25 years.  The world was all for the Jews when they were victims of Nazi atrocities.  Now that the Jews have their own country, are successfully defending themselves, and refusing to be victims, the world has returned to the Nazi camp of wanting them exterminated — especially among the secular West. 

Ever since Israel established itself as a modern state (in 1948), they have faced an ET from the Arab world.  The Arabs/Muslims have long stated their intent to destroy Israel and exterminate the Jews.  However, for the most part, the West supported an independent Jewish nation, especially post-WWII, to include support during the wars Israel fought in 1948 and 1956.  That support began to erode after the Six-Day War (1967) when the IDF (Israel Defense Forces) routed Egypt, Jordan, and Syria and captured the Sinai, Samaria and Judea (aka the West Bank), and the Golan Heights.  Ever since, especially given Israel’s increased ability to defend itself from both external and internal threats, the support the world gave to the Jews shifted and is now solidly behind the Arabs and Muslims. 

Today, Israel and Jews (worldwide) are facing an existential threat that is more real than ever before.  There are two primary reasons the ET is more dire than ever.  First, the support from the West, especially from the United States, has eroded and now favors the Arabs.  It’s clear that Democrats, since Jimmy Carter, have moved strongly pro-Arab.  Over the decades of the “peace process”, the only demands ever made were for Israel to cede territory.  There were never demands placed on the Arabs who want to eradicate the Jews.  Obama, given his Muslim heritage, was a very reluctant supporter of Israel, and took every opportunity to side with the Arabs.  Now with Hillary, Biden, Kamala, and the Squad (particularly AOC, Ihan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, Ayanna Pressley, etc.) running the party, Democrat support has openly moved to full-on Islamist support — as evidenced when Biden and his Dems lifted sanctions against Iran (imposed by President Trump) allowing them to obtain billions of dollars from oil sales, money they’ve put into funding terror groups.  Additionally, Biden, Kamala, and their fellow Democrat travelers, continue withholding weapons from Israel and have made endless demands of the Jews (especially demanding a ceasefire with Hamas) while making zero demands from Iran and its terror proxies.  Demanding a ceasefire, at this moment, is akin to demanding a ceasefire with Nazi Germany back in 1944 and allowing Hitler to remain in power.  The only way that Israel can eliminate the existential threats from Hamas, Hezbollah, etc. is to completely destroy those organizations by killing their foot-soldiers from lowest ranking to senior leadership.  The Dems are doing everything they can to prevent Israel from doing so.

Given 21st Century warfare, the ability to kill and destroy one’s opponent is exponentially greater than ever before, particularly with modern abilities to communicate (the internet allows almost endless means), and to engage an adversary.  Aerial drones, cyber warfare, and remotely detonated devices add to the complexity of the modern battlefield.  Throw in Iran’s attempts to acquire nuclear weapons and to give any and all weapons to terrorist groups of Hamas, Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad, the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), and all the others, the existential threat facing Israel has never been greater.

Knowing all this, especially after Hamas’s October 7, 2023 attack that killed 1,200 Jews and took hundreds hostage, one would think Israel would have large external support.  It doesn’t, not even among American Jews.  American Jews mostly vote Dem and Dems do not support Israel.  The Jewish nation is largely on its own.  Israel appears to have only two foreign allies. The first are American, evangelical Christians — meaning mostly Protestant Christians (along with Messianic Jews and some Catholics) who attend weekly services, have a relationship with Jesus Christ, and emphasize Biblical teachings; the second are President Trump-JD Vance supporters — meaning MAGA Republicans.

Final Thought: If you support Israel, then Trump-Vance is your only choice.

Public domain.

American Thinker

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