Jesus' Coming Back

Despite the USSS, Donald Trump Has Survived Two Assassination Attempts


It is only by Divine providence that Trump has survived. At this juncture in our history, if Trump were actually assassinated, that would have unfathomable consequences.

My investigator’s creed is trust no one, there are no coincidences, and follow the money, honey.

Clearly, the DOJ, FBI, DHS, CIA, and the United States Secret Service (USSS) failed in their mission of protecting presidential candidates. Donald Trump is not just a former president but is running for a second term. Trump is likely to be the 47th president. With the current geo-political atmosphere, Trump poses an existential threat to our enemies, both foreign and domestic. These enemies, whom I call the Cabal and the Deep State (the unelected administrative state), have compromised or corrupted our government.

Because of these threats, the government must afford Trump the best protection possible. This only makes common sense for top-tier candidates. Instead, as details slowly dribble out, we’ve learned that the Biden administration begrudgingly provided Trump with only third-rate protection. Why?

Were these failures the result of total incompetence or intentional and deliberate lack of protection? Why and by whom?

The evidence strongly suggests that the latter is true: These failures reflect the intentional and continued actions of the Cabal and the Deep State. They are an ongoing criminal conspiracy (RICO) that operates for its common self-interests detrimental to the best interests of We the People. This conspiracy violated the Constitution of the United States and the Bill of Rights by committing treasonous acts and felonies, including engineering an attempted coup to interfere with Trump’s election in 2016, sabotaging his administration during his first term, preventing his reelection in 2020, and interfering with his election in 2024.

Many readers are familiar with my opinion. These are severe allegations. See my work at the American Thinker in support of this opinion. See Kash Patel’s latest book, which corroborates my conclusions.

For more than two months, the FBI and the US Secret Service (USSS) haven’t provided many answers to the first assassination attempt. See the Joint Committee’s Interim Joint Report with its shocking findings, mostly from whistleblowers on the Butler assassination attempt.

Why? I argued at the time:

…Congress seems content to allow the FBI to investigate what happened in Butler, Pennsylvania, on July 13. This is the wrong approach. Because the government has an incentive to hide its failures, when it comes to the attempt to assassinate Trump, especially given the US Secret Service’s known failures, there must be an independent investigation…

…the attempt to assassinate former President Trump was a horrific, epic failure, to say the least, with preplanning, communication failures, resource skimping [My emphasis], and more (See Sen. Hawley’s onsite report and letter to DHS)…

These agencies cannot do this investigation as they are compromised or corrupted.

In the second assassination attempt at Trump’s International Golf Course in West Palm Beach on September 15, Divine intervention or, if you prefer, luck once again saved Trump from death. However, Ronald Rowe, the USSS’s acting director, had the temerity to say that the protection detail scored a success thanks to the added security protection Biden authorized. Their plan, he said, worked.

In fact, Trump’s second brush with death saw the same common denominators as the first: preplanning failures, communication failures, and resource skimping. The USSS has learned little since the first attempt.

From sources outside of the FBI and the USSS, the shooter exploited a known vulnerability: An effective sniper’s nest that photographers have used provided a clear view of hole #6 less than 80 yards from the green. Cell phone data places the shooter in that position for at least 10 hours. It was apparent that the shooter was surveilling and stalking Trump on this course and at Mar-a-Lago. Thus, his vehicle was parked nearby—but the USSS didn’t notice. This diagram marks holes 5 and 6 and the sniper’s location (XS).

Image made using a Google Maps screen grab.

When Trump played the course as president, the USSS protection was much more robust. This time, though, Trump survived only because an alert USSS agent walking the inner perimeter ahead of Trump recognized the threat and took action to protect Trump. The shooter was caught because an astute citizen observed the shooter’s vehicle. This was not a success but an epic failure.

We are still learning about this shooter’s past, but what we do know is that it includes his possessing multiple cell phones, incriminating letters he wrote before the attack, multiple foreign trips he made to support Ukraine, and some little-known sources of income for an unemployed roofer. Until proven otherwise, the shooter’s actions smack of him being groomed by or being an agent of the Cabal.

The agencies are not being forthcoming in releasing information to the oversight committees. However, we do know that the Oversight Data Project of the Heritage Foundation tracked one of the Butler shooter’s many phones to DC next to the USSS headquarters office and in the vicinity of the FBI office building. He could have been sightseeing…nor not.

These agencies are stonewalling the House Oversight Committee’s inquiries. What are these agencies hiding this time under the guise of national security? Who do they think they are? We, the People, are smart. These agencies ultimately work for us.

As I wrote before:

…as we’ve already witnessed firsthand (e.g., the Biden interview tape), under the guise of national security, either to cover for criminality or gross ineptitude. This investigation must be thorough, complete, and expeditious. Because of exigent national security concerns, this investigation must be carried out quickly.

Time is of the essence as the clock runs out. We, the People, can change the coach and the team through the ballot box lest we are precluded by Trump being assassinated.

We need to protect Donald J. Trump as a matter of national security and our republic’s survival. My crystal ball is flashing red. The Cabal has run out of options and is running scared that its members will be exposed and prosecuted. The risk of another assassination attempt on Trump is extreme and imminent.

The USSS leadership is currently incapable of carrying out its mission. The entire USSS protective service leadership must be benched immediately and replaced with those who know what they are doing. The House can make this happen either by exercising its power of the purse to fund the USSS or through other political means.

A trusted USSS source told me there is precedent for rapid response teams. When Kissinger was “flying all over the world…[on] diplomatic shuttle missions…advance preparation time at visits…was measured in hours rather than days. Complete protection teams of agents were assembled as pool teams…at various strategic locations in or readily accessible to jump on KC-135 USAF cargo planes to be transported to visit locations.”

Trump needs the experience of a contingent of Tier 1 operators, either private contractors or existing special forces, who are experienced with VIP protection in war zones to provide this interim supervision and guidance, manpower, and resources. This support must be given immediately through the election and inauguration while oversight committees continue their investigations and issue their findings and recommendations.

The successful assassination of Trump would have unfathomable consequences.

May God help us all!

Ron Wright is a retired detective, having served thirty-five years with Riverside PD, Calif. Ron earned a BA in political science from Cal State University, Fullerton, and a Master of Administration from the University of California, Riverside. X @RonTcop.

American Thinker

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