Jesus' Coming Back

Cruz Opponent Claims He Doesn’t Want Boys In Girls’ Sports, But He Backed Law Making It A Civil Right

In an eleventh-hour campaign ad, Rep. Colin Allred, D-Texas, attempted to distance himself from transgender ideology by claiming that he does not support boys competing against girls in sports, an assertion disproven by his voting record.

Allred is challenging Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, for his Senate seat, but is behind by about 5 points, according to polling from early October. In response to ads run by the Cruz campaign criticizing Allred on his record supporting the far-left transgender agenda, the Dallas-area Democrat ran an ad claiming, against all evidence, that he does not.

“I’m a dad. I’m also a Christian. My faith has taught me that all kids are God’s kids,” Allred states in his ad. “So let me be clear. I don’t want boys playing girls’ sports, or any of this ridiculous stuff that Ted Cruz is saying.”

Despite that, Allred supported a federal law (the Equality Act) that would force schools to end separate facilities for boys and girls, such as restrooms and locker rooms, as well as make it a civil rights violation not to allow boys to compete against girls in sports. He also voted against a federal law (the Protection of Women and Girls in Sports Act) that would do the very thing he now claims to support — keep boys out of girls’ sports.

Allred even bragged about using the Equality Act to end protections for women and girls passed by the Texas state legislature in a recording of “The Bulwark” podcast at the Texas Tribune Festival in September.

“They’re bullying kids in this state, they’re bullying people based on how they identify, but we can override all of that at the federal level. There’s legislation that I’ve voted for, co-sponsored, that they’ve not been able to get through the Senate called the Equality Act,” Allred told moderator and Bulwark writer-at-large Tim Miller. “The Equality Act would level the playing field in terms of extending the civil rights protections that we have based on race and gender, national origin, to sexual identity and how you identify.”

“I’ve been a supporter of that my entire time in Congress,” Allred added.

In the Bulwark interview, Allred also laughed and clapped along when Miller was slamming parental rights, particularly when making decisions for their children’s education and upbringing.

“The one on this that gets under my nerves the most I guess, and now that I’ve got a kid in school, is the parents’ rights side of this,” Miller said. “It’s like … we’ve gotta take the gay penguin book out of the school so that because the parents get to choose whether or not the penguin book is in there. And I was like, ‘Well, I’m a parent, don’t I get to have a say in that? Like, why is it that the craziest MAGA parent is the only one whose rights matter in this situation.”

“That’s right, that’s right, that’s right,” Allred said, nodding and smirking.

Miller was referencing a movement by concerned parents to remove highly sexually explicit content, including books that are pornographic and pedophilic, from schools so that young children are not exposed to such grotesque material.

Democrats and far-left activists claim that Republicans are partaking in book bans when they try to remove material that depicts gay sex acts between adults and children from school, which they appear hellbent on making sure children see.

“Parents’ rights is just a code for a certain type of parent,” Miller continued.

Allred went on to suggest to children that they find explicit material on the internet, instead.

“Also banning books, man, like, have they heard of the internet? Like, you know what I mean? When they do that, all they do is create a list for these kids to go read,” he said.

It is unclear if Allred thinks his claims in the ad are true because he believes that boys who claim a transgender identity are actually girls, or if he is lying. His campaign did not respond to a request for comment from The Federalist.

“This is truly desperate and pathetic. Things have gotten so bad for the Allred camp that they’ve resorted to flat-out lying on the airwaves. The logic here is truly mind-boggling, considering this is so easily debunked,” a Cruz campaign spokesman said in a statement. “With 25 days left until Election Day, Allred is making it clear he’ll do anything to cover up his radical ideology that he knows is not resonating with Texans.”

Allred’s Equality Act would go well beyond just forcing women and girls to compete against men in sports. It would also force employers and workers to embrace the new unnatural and detrimental sexual norms being foisted on society. The act would preclude any objection to these new sexual norms and their accompanying beliefs on marriage and sexuality.

The act would also force doctors to provide genital mutilation and chemical castration — like entirely cosmetic hysterectomies and mastectomies, as well as vaginoplasties and phalloplasties — to anyone who asks, and would even go above the religious objections of certain hospitals and doctors.

Breccan F. Thies is an elections correspondent for The Federalist. He previously covered education and culture issues for the Washington Examiner and Breitbart News. He holds a degree from the University of Virginia and is a 2022 Claremont Institute Publius Fellow. You can follow him on X: @BreccanFThies.

The Federalist

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