Jesus' Coming Back

Harris-Walz Burlesque

I’m so old I remember when we learned about advertising fakery by ordering stuff like sea horses and x-ray vision glasses from the back of comic books. Younger generations caught on when they compared what they’d seen in the TV ads with the actual products. For voters this time around all they have to do is scan X online. The sea horse ads were better fakes than the Harris-Walz team is churning out. Of course, there is the candidates’ utter failure in public appearances — such as they are — to show Harris-Walz viewers that they are phony, unserious contenders for the highest offices in the land. 

My favorite satire site, Babylon Bee, nailed it on the public appearance flops.

U.S. — Despite polling momentum swinging towards former President Trump, political pundits believe that Kamala Harris can still win the election if she can just remain completely unseen and unheard until November 6th.

“If they can just lock her in the basement with Joe, she has a shot,” said NBC analyst Chuck Todd. “Kamala’s favorability depends on people losing all memory of her voice, face, actions, and anything related to her in any way.”

With the race a statistical tie last week, Democrat strategists made the bold decision to have Kamala attempt talking to actual humans. “It was a big risk, having her open her mouth and speak,” said DNC chair Jaime Harrison. “It took approximately 30 seconds to realize we had made a huge mistake. I did not know how much I could hate listening to someone saying words. I regret everything.”

Though Kamala’s polling has slipped since she began her media tour, pundits believe the damage can be limited if no one ever hears from the candidate ever again. “The less people know about who they’re asking to run the country, the better,” explained Harrison. “It’s time to pull a Joe Biden 2020 special.”

At publishing time, aides had reportedly set out a trail of wine boxes to lead Kamala into the basement.

Every time she must speak extemporaneously, she reveals herself as a chuckling know-nothing. 

Even the audience for the most recent rare unscripted appearance — the Univision “townhall” which is promoted as Harris’ interaction with “undecided Latino voters” — was fake. Paid actors were hired to pad out the audience and Harris supporters were flown in from elsewhere to ask questions.

As I discovered, having been granted the sacred opportunity to view the event from an adjacent room on the University of Nevada, Las Vegas campus, the carefully curated “town hall” audience was actually comprised of avowed Harris supporters.

“I already knew I was going to go for Kamala,” one town hall participant told me. “Part of the reason why I wanted to go was just, like, to also fully support her.”

“So you were already decided, before you came?” I asked another. “Yes,” she replied, declaring her support for Kamala.

The audience members I spoke to were selected with the help of a company called FansOnQ, according to the company’s founder, Conny Quintanilla, whose title for yesterday’s event was “Audience Manager.” The company puts out “casting calls” for events like the Latin Grammy Awards, which have been previously held in Las Vegas. [snip]

Another person told me he was able to attend because he “knows people” at an unnamed “progressive organization,” which somehow granted him the ability to get in the town hall audience. [snip]

These aforementioned attendees were essentially just “seat fillers” — they were not the audience members who were called on to ask pre-selected questions. Those audience members were flown in from around the country at Univision’s expense. Which is a bit odd, because there would certainly have been plenty of genuine “undecided Latino voters” in Clark County, Nevada who I’m sure would’ve been more than happy to ask Kamala Harris a question.

 NOTE: The non-question-asking attendees were still integral to the televisual production of the event, hence their recruitment. Uninformed viewers at home were under the false impression that the people they were watching react to Kamala’s answers were “undecided voters,” when numerous of them were in fact pre-committed Harris voters who sought to attend for the specific purpose of demonstrating their support for Kamala. [snip]

Of course, most journalists covering the event simply repeated the conceit that Kamala was empathetically taking questions from “undecided Latino voters.” In other words, they simply regurgitated the corporate press release. 

Of course, even her bio is fake, as Harmeet Dhillion, a San Francisco lawyer who has known her for more than 20 years, detailed to Tucker Carson. That is reflected in her inability to answer anything beyond her scripted pablum throwaways.  

“BILL WHITAKER: Your economic plan would add $3 trillion to the deficit over 10 years. How do you pay for it?

HARRIS: Trump’s plan is worse!

WHITAKER: But how do you pay for it?

HARRIS: Well, the rich need to pay their fair share!

WHITAKER: And how do you get this through Congress when no one has expressed support for it?

HARRIS: I’m a capitalist, ya know!”

The polls show that the least likely to vote for the Democratic ticket this year are white males and the ticket is losing substantial support from black males, too. The Newt Gingrich had some thoughts on that. “It took real nerve for President Obama to leave his 8 bedroom mansion on 28 acres on Martha’s Vineyard to lecture young Black men about their obligation to support Kamala Harris no matter what the price of groceries, the rising crime, the massive illegal immigration or other issues tell them.”

The Obama promotion got significant pushback from both black males and females, who, in fact, are more concerned about inflation, crime, and illegal immigration than they are in voting for an incompetent fake just because Obama will think they are women haters if they don’t. 

So, in desperation, the campaign came out with an absurd campaign ad, “Men for Kamala,” featuring men none of whom are regular voters.

They are paid actors. Moreover, their real-life circumstances differ significantly from the individuals they portray in the ad. Here are their stories:

— Wayland McQueen is a far-left, pro-Antifa comedian and actor who has, until now, found limited success. He does improv gigs at the Upright Citizens Brigade in Los Angeles. In a Twitter post from 2022, he explains what white privilege is and tells you why you need to acknowledge your white privilege. As of 2024 he is single.

— Lanre Idewu is an immigrant from Nigeria. He is also an actor who works at the D.C.-based OCTET Productions. He has many intimate pictures with the Obamas and the Bidens. Idewu, who is bisexual, has done gay-for-pay movies and nude solo shoots. In the “Men for Kamala” ad, he says he is “man enough to f-ing braid his daughter’s hair,” but the only problem is that he doesn’t have a daughter. Idewu isn’t braiding anyone’s hair.

— Mike Leffingwell, a gay man, also works at the Upright Citizens Brigade, where McQueen works. He is an acting coach, cartoon writer for Netflix and DreamWorks, and an actor in TV commercials. On his public Instagram page, he showcases his participation in his latest project — the “Men for Kamala” ad.

— Winston Carter, the heavyset fellow in the ad who claims to be a mechanic and rancher, lives in Los Angeles signed with Taft Broadcasting Company. He has found limited success in the acting world, mainly as an extra in films and as a character in the low-budget superhero film Spaghettiman.

— Tony Ketcham, the tough, rugged, bearded grandpa in his garage in the “Men for Kamala” ad, is also an actor. He now mainly does low-budget independent films like Car Botz, where he played the role of PePaw. Tony is unmarried in real life. In 2001, he played the extra role of “alcoholic consumer” in the movie Ghost World.

The ad inspired ridicule, as it deserved to.  Daniel Jupp, for one, had great fun with it:

The ad presents a series of guys saying why they are ‘Real Men’ and why men who vote for Trump aren’t ’Real Men’. It’s an astonishing display of political ineptitude, the campaign ad equivalent of the withdrawal from Afghanistan. 

I’ve never seen anything this bad. 

A whole set of incredibly camp beta males and they think having them wear chequed shirts, stand in front of a paddock or talk about engine parts makes them rugged outdoorsy types. They must be real men because some of them are fat. They must be real men because there’s a horse in the background… careful, don’t tell Tim. 

Imagine getting the cast of a broadway musical called Felch! come straight from a Pride parade to have a cowboy hat thrown on their heads and then do a Tim Walz act (even worse than Tim Walz does) and you get the idea. [snip]

Guys who are probably afraid of mean tweets or breaking a nail are the guys who tell us we are “afraid of women?” Give me a f*cking break. [snip]

The people behind the ad stereotype everyone far more crudely than even my sarcasm does. 

Because masculinity isn’t a chequed shirt or a cowboy hat you can transfer to a supporter who hates masculinity. It isn’t sexual orientation either although you definitely lose it in extreme perversions (the further ends of Q+ that disgust many gays too). 

It’s everything this ad and this mentality lacks — the genuine rooted in reality grasp of truth, disdain for lies, respect for skill, contempt for cant, physical AND mental self-respect and self-reliance. Masculinity is a set of mental attitudes as well as a set of physical skills. 

You can’t get there with the mind of a cuckold or a simp. 

No real man would star in a ‘Real Man’ ad that says and pushes the total bullsh*t this ad pushes. 

We have too much self-respect for that.

If you thought they’d done enough, you’d be wrong.  The week ended with an MSNBC photo shoot of Tim Walz in a Minnesota field with a dog and a couple of guys in hunters’ vests pretending to be pheasant hunting, though not one of them carried a shotgun. I guess the thinking was Democrats want to show how manly Walz is without, however, offending the party’s anti-gun contingent. (Maybe they just think you can nab pheasants by behaving so absurdly they fall out of the sky laughing.) Late Saturday another video of Walz was posted. This time he’s wearing a hunter’s vest and struggling with a rifle which he said he bought for “trap shooting.” He can’t seem to load it and complains that it hurts his shoulder to fire it. Will this persuade white men, who have been demonized by the party for a decade, that it’s safe to trust the Dems again? Walz, by the way is not as popular with Minnesotans as Harris might have thought when she picked him over Josh Shapiro. He returned to the high school at which he was an assistant coach to see a football game — see how manly? — a game where the players wore Trump 2024 on their jerseys — and the principal had to threaten attendees not to boo or shout out obscenities.

Apparently Harris is as bad at vetting vice presidents as she is at vetting husbands, now that Douglas Emhoff, who was billed as the “second gentleman,” has proven to be anything but. He is actually a real misogynist and dare not deny it because to do so would prove him as much of a liar as Walz has been. 

American Thinker

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