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Record Number of Illegal Migrants Caught Pretending to Be Children This Year; Record 1,300 Migrants are Caught Pretending to be Children This Year as Young Adult Men Pose as Teen Boys to Abuse Asylum System


Record Number of Illegal Migrants Caught Pretending to Be Children This Year:

The number of adult migrants claiming to be child asylum seekers has climbed to a record high in Britain this year, with more than 1,300 fraudulent cases discovered by authorities.

At least 1,317 migrants have falsely claimed to be minors from the start of the year to the end of June, the highest figure on record and more than all cases reported in 2017, 2018, and 2019 combined, according to a report from The Sun.

The top-selling British paper said that there were 283 migrant adults from Afghanistan, 282 from Sudan, 236 from Vietnam, and 140 from Eritrea who claimed be child asylum seekers this year.

The increasing practice is often used by illegal migrants to better their chances of being granted the right to stay in the UK, as children are often given special dispensation during asylum claim decisions.

Immigration Minister Dame Angela Eagle admitted last week that currently one in five illegal boat migrants arriving on the shores of Britain after crossing the English Channel from France claim to be children, many of whom falsely in order to “get a better deal”.

Speaking at the Labour Party conference in Liverpool, Dame Angela said per the Daily Mail: “There is an issue about identifying correctly those who are children… About 20 per cent of the people that come across in boats at the moment are claiming they’re children. Not all of them are.” —>READ MORE HERE

Record 1,300 migrants are caught pretending to be children this year as young adult men pose as teen boys to abuse asylum system:

More than 1,300 asylum seekers were caught pretending to be children in the first half of the year – a record high.

Unaccompanied minors are far more likely to be granted asylum than adults, leading to some applicants faking their age in a bid to cheat the system.

Figures suggest this is an increasingly common tactic, with 1,317 migrants claiming to be children at the border deemed to be minors up to the end of June 2024.

This is the highest figure for the first six months of the year on record and eclipses the combined totals for 2017, 2018 and 2019.

A total of 2,122 age disputes were launched by officials amid fears people smugglers are telling migrants – who often arrive without documents – to claim to be teenagers.

The figures for 2024, obtained by The Sun, included 283 people from Afghanistan, 282 from Sudan, 236 from Vietnam and 140 from Eritrea.

Those who have used the tactic include Lawangeen Abdulrahimzai, who was convicted of murdering aspiring marine Thomas Roberts in Bournemouth town centre in March 2022.

Abdulrahimzai, 22, had murdered two other people in Serbia before he claimed asylum in the UK by pretending to be a 14-year-old orphan when he was actually 18.

The Afghan was put into foster care in Bournemouth and sent to school in the Dorset resort, where he began bullying young girls into sending him indecent pictures.

Abdulrahimzai had hoodwinked Border Force and the Home Office after arriving in Dorset on a Brittany Ferries service from Cherbourg on Boxing Day 2019. A judge later ruled his birthday was actually October 7, 2001.

On March 12, 2022, he stabbed 21-year-old Thomas Roberts twice in the chest after an argument with the aspiring soldier’s friend about an e-scooter outside a Subway.

One of the most troubling examples of an asylum seeker pretending to be a child was Parsons Green terrorist Ahmed Hassan.

He posed as a 16-year-old before setting off a bomb on a Tube train in west London in 2017, injuring 23 people.

His real age remains unknown, but the judge who jailed the Iraqi for 34 years in 2018 said he was satisfied the bomber was between 18 and 21.

Mr Justice Haddon-Cave, at the Old Bailey, added: ‘I am satisfied that you lied about your date of birth on arrival in order to glean the special privileges accorded to children entering the UK.’

A Home Office probe in 2018 found an adult asylum seeker spent six weeks as a Year 11 pupil at Stoke High School in Ipswich.

A pupil posted a photo of Siavash Shah, thought to be Iranian, online and wrote: ‘How’s there a 30-year-old man in our maths class?’ —>READ MORE HERE

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