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Why Won’t Biden-Harris Remove Migrants Who Pose a Threat to Public Safety? Biden-Harris Have Done Everything Possible to Protect Migrant Criminals from Deportation


Why won’t Biden-Harris remove migrants who pose a threat to public safety?

Rep. Tony Gonzales (R-Texas) and 22 of his congressional colleagues sent a letter to the Biden-Harris administration in March expressing concern about the “criminal illegal aliens” the administration is releasing into the country. They also express concern about the sanctuary cities that are “providing safe harbor to violent criminals who have entered our country illegally.”

They aren’t likely to get much help with sanctuary jurisdictions from Vice President Kamala Harris. She comes from California, the most populous of the sanctuary states.

U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Deputy Director Patrick J. Lechleitner responded in a letter dated Sept. 25 that, as of July 21 of this year, there were 425,431 immigrants with criminal convictions on ICE’s non-detained docket. Their offenses include 13,099 homicides; 15,811 sexual assaults; 2,521 kidnappings; 13,423 weapon offenses; 10,031 robberies; 56,533 dangerous drug offenses; 14,301 burglaries; and 62,231 non-sexual assaults.

Being on ICE’s non-detained list just means that a migrant isn’t being detained by ICE. It’s likely that many of them are in prison, but there is no way of knowing how many. The Federal Bureau of Prisons maintains statistics on the citizenship of its inmates, but only about 13 percent of all prison inmates in the United States were in federal prisons in 2022. State and local jurisdictions aren’t all required to keep such records; it varies from state to state.

Nevertheless, it seems very likely that many of the 425,431 migrants on ICE’s non-detained list are not in prison. In any case, it is apparent that ICE is not detaining many criminal aliens — as of Sept. 8, the administration was only detaining 37,395 migrants, and about 22,000 of them had criminal records.

Apparently, protecting American communities from inadmissible migrants who might pose a safety threat is not one of the administration’s priorities.

In fact, ICE’s annual report for fiscal 2023 indicates that the administration is using alternatives to detention for many of the immigrants on its docket, and there is reason to doubt that ICE is able to keep track of their locations.

The Department of Homeland Security inspector general reviewed the records of 981,671 illegal border crossers who were apprehended and then released by the Border Patrol between March 2021 and August 2022. In a report dated Sept. 6, 2023, the inspector general concludes that more than 177,000 of the address records were “missing, invalid for delivery, or not legitimate residential locations.” —>READ MORE HERE

Biden-Harris have done everything possible to protect migrant criminals from deportation:

When the Biden-Harris administration took office, they pledged to focus immigration enforcement on criminal aliens, rather than on “ordinary” illegal immigrants.

The result? More criminal migrants than ever before!

ICE recently released data showing that there are more than 600,000 foreign criminals on ICE’s docket who are not in the agency’s custody. Some are probably in state or local jails, but hundreds of thousands are walking our streets.

Is anyone surprised?

Remember, this is the administration that announced a 100-day moratorium on all deportations — criminals, terrorists, anybody — the day it took office.

It hasn’t gotten much better since.

My colleague Jon Feere, a former ICE chief of staff, compared criminal deportations in the first three years of this administration and the previous one. The results are sobering. Under Biden-Harris:

  • A 44% drop in the number of notifications by ICE to local cops to hold criminal aliens arrested in local charges — called “detainers.” 
  • A 57% drop in the number of criminal aliens arrested compared to the first three Trump years. 
  • And a whopping 67% drop in the number of criminals actually deported.

Getting the idea?

Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas — who was impeached by the House of Representatives for shenanigans like this — issued a memo shortly after Biden appointed him that handcuffs ICE agents.

The memo said only certain illegal immigrants may be targeted for enforcement, including, to be fair, those engaged in “serious criminal conduct” (though candidate Joe Biden said drunk driving was not a serious crime).

But before an ICE agent is even allowed to question an illegal alien, the memo requires that he determine whether there are any “mitigating” factors, including the alien’s age, whether he supports a family, and whether he has “a mental condition that may have contributed to the criminal conduct.”

The obvious goal is to make it too hard to actually enforce the law. —>READ MORE HERE

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