Jesus' Coming Back

Biden Calls For More Political Persecution Of Trump: ‘We Got To Lock Him Up’


While President Joe Biden may not have much juice left in the cognition battery, he’s got enough spark remaining to deliver the real marching orders of the Democrat Party and the deep state: Lock up Donald Trump. 

Speaking Tuesday at a New Hampshire Democrat campaign office just two weeks before Election Day, Biden mumbled through a number of scenarios the left has been peddling about what they say can be expected should voters send former President Trump back to the White House. 

Biden warned his fellow Democrats about Trump’s pledge to “ultimately eliminate” the DEI-pushing federal Department of Education. He then seemed to ramble about Trump’s plan to deal with the deep state and send rogue bureaucrats packing before launching into a nearly incoherent tirade in which he suggested the Supreme Court’s ruling this summer on broad presidential immunity for official acts would enable Trump to murder people.

“He means it. This is not a joke,” the octogenarian president told fellow Democrats at the Concord office. “This is a guy who also wants to replace every civil servant, every single one. Thinks he has a right under the Supreme Court ruling on immunity to be able if need be, if it was the case, to actually eliminate, physically eliminate, shoot and kill, someone who he believes to be a threat to him.”

It was an interesting comment about a former president who was shot and survived one near-miss assassination attempt on the campaign trail in July and escaped a second attempt in September. 

“I know this sounds bizarre. It sounds like if I said this five years ago, you’d lock me up. We got to lock him up,” the 81-year-old president said to applause from the assembled leftists. After an extended pause, Biden added, “Politically lock him up.” 

As Reuters’ White House correspondent Jeff Mason claimed on his X account, Vice President Kamala Harris, the Democrat Party’s presidential campaign stand-in for the rapidly declining Biden, has, at least for the time being, somewhat distanced herself from the left’s banana republic pursuit to imprison its No. 1 political enemy, “saying the Justice Department will handle that while she seeks to beat [Trump] at the ballot box,” Mason wrote. 

Trump’s Still Standing

Biden simply said out loud what the Biden-Harris administration has been attempting to do over the last four years, weaponizing the Department of Justice to get rid of the GOP’s nominee. With the exception of a trumped-up campaign finance disclosure prosecution and conviction in a left-centric Manhattan courtroom that could be overturned on appeal, Biden, Harris and their liberal allies have failed at every turn to get Trump.

Trump is still standing, and growing stronger in the polls. And that scares an increasingly desperate left in the closing days of what has been characterized as an existential election — one that will truly determine the fate of the nation.

As Harris, her running mate Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, and their leftwing surrogates, warn Americans that Trump will go after his political enemies if elected, Democrats have already routinely done so. But they like to believe that attacking and silencing their political opponents is “defending democracy.” 

A Trump victory, coupled with Republicans controlling Congress, should mean not only investigations into myriad cases of misconduct, corruption, and abuse of power over the past four years, but actual accountability for wrongdoing. That scenario is what should most frighten Biden, Harris, and their corrupt government minions who have routinely violated the Constitution and shattered the trust of the American people. 

Matt Kittle is a senior elections correspondent for The Federalist. An award-winning investigative reporter and 30-year veteran of print, broadcast, and online journalism, Kittle previously served as the executive director of Empower Wisconsin.

The Federalist

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