Jesus' Coming Back

Harris Hits the Wall

It was Kamala Harris’s second campaign event in the battleground state of Wisconsin at the La Crosse Recreational Eagle Center. Roughly 20 minutes after Harris began speaking, some attendees were escorted out for causing a disruption.

You may wonder about the nature of that disruption. Were they wielding guns or knives? Were they inebriated or bellowing obscenities? Were they engaging in violence, like BLM rioters? Were they mocking Kamala’s struggling campaign or falling poll numbers?

The answer to all of the questions is an emphatic No! They were chanting “Christ is King!” and “Jesus is Lord!”

Most of the media has been characterizing these protestors as hecklers and miscreants. They are also attempting to give the impression that Kamala Harris gave them a befitting reply. 

All of these are blatant falsehoods.

Two of the protestors, Grant Beth and Luke Polaske, both juniors at the school, spoke to “Fox & Friends Weekend” about their experience at the event and the reason behind their protest. They said they chanted slogans when Harris began talking about abortion rights. She attacked President Donald Trump, for nominating three of the U.S. Supreme Court justices who helped overturn protections first put into law by Roe v. Wade.

The duo said they were roughly 20 to 30 yards from where Harris was at the event. “She was actually waving to me. I took this cross off my neck that I wear, and as we were getting asked to leave, I held it up in the air and waved at her and pointed at her, and she looked directly in the eye, kind of gave me an evil smirk,” recounted one of the pro-life protestors.

The duo also revealed they were shoved, heckled at, cursed at and we were mocked and that they felt Jesus and his disciples were mocked.

One of the students confirmed that she was indeed addressing them when she said “You guys are at the wrong rally.” 

Some Democrat propagandists claimed her remarks weren’t directed at the pro-life protestors.

So what does one make of this? Firstly we focus on abortion rights. “When Congress passes a bill to restore reproductive freedom nationwide, as president of the United States, I will proudly, proudly sign it into law,” is what Harris boasted to her supporters

Harris needs to be reminded that she is still Vice President. If she is so concerned about abortion rights, she could get to work by convincing Congress to pass the bill and compelling Joe Biden to sign the bill into law. But she won’t and never will — the issue is not meant to be resolved but used as a scare tactic before elections. 

We now focus on the protests.

Truth Social post, President Trump said “While Kamala said that people who believe in Jesus don’t belong to her rallies, in our Movement — We love Christians, we welcome believers, and we embrace followers of Jesus…”

This is probably Harris’s ‘basket of deplorables’ moment.

It wasn’t just about these remarks. By skipping the Al Smith Dinner, a famous annual Catholic charity event, Harris led some to speculate if she was anti-Christian. Her remark also demonstrates a lack of common sense. It is injudicious to attack the faith that 66% of her voters follow. Even among the other people of faith, Christ is a revered figure. But it is said that bigotry is often revealed during moments of adversity.

Harris, who usually struggles to construct elementary sentences, didn’t need a teleprompter to rudely dismiss the pro-lifers. Her words and disdain appeared to emanate straight from the heart. 

The reason Harris is struggling on so many fronts is because she doesn’t deserve to be the nominee. She didn’t win a single state, including her home state, in the 2020 primary, and her approval ratings as the Vice President were historically low. She didn’t win a single primary vote in 2024. Harris wasn’t subjected to scrutiny. She didn’t campaign and engage with Democrat voters for the nomination. She isn’t the nominee due to merit — i.e. record, talent, efforts, etc. 

She was installed by the party ‘elites’. This is probably why she assumes to be entitled to everything she gets. The consequence of the entitlement is the moment she faces questions or protests, there is no humble attempt to reason with her challengers. She prefers to insult and rudely dismiss them.

Had she been leading in the polls, she would have remained indoors and away from the public gaze. But since that isn’t the case, she is compelled to appear before the public where she cannot help expose herself.

No matter how hard the Democrat proxies in the media try to shield Harris, she cannot help revealing her true colors. It’s either gaffes, word salads, lies, or a display of arrogance and entitlement. 

She didn’t deserve to be vice president.

She didn’t deserve to be her party nominee.

She certainly doesn’t deserve to be President. 

Image: AT via Magic Studio

American Thinker

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