Jesus' Coming Back

Kamala Harris Stands By Big Lie That Joe Biden Is ‘Capable’ Of The Presidency


NBC News aired a one-on-one interview with Kamala Harris on Tuesday night in which the current VP and Democrat presidential candidate reiterated her big lie that President Joe Biden — who was forced out of the race after corrupt media could no longer deny his mental incapacity — was and is fully “capable” of performing the duties of his office.

“Can you say that you were honest with the American people about what you saw in those moments with President Biden, as you were with him again and again, repeatedly in that time?” asked interviewer Hallie Jackson after noting that Harris “defended him in the days before and in the days after” the disastrous June debate while campaigning alongside him. 

“Of course,” Harris said. “Joe Biden is an — extremely accomplished, experienced, and capable in every way that anyone would want if they’re president. Absolutely.”

When Jackson probed whether Harris had ever witnessed Biden functioning as poorly “behind closed doors” as he did on the debate stage over the summer, Harris repeated the obvious lie that “it was a bad debate. People have bad debates.” He was just having an off night, folks.

Americans know that’s a lie — as do Harris and Jackson and the rest of the Democrat Party — because there would have been no need for a Democrat coup to overthrow the party’s incumbent if Biden’s cognitive performance could be explained as one “bad debate.” His age and cognitive function were already subject to scrutiny four years prior during the 2020 campaign and only got worse from there. They simply couldn’t keep up the charade — or Biden’s poll numbers — anymore.

So when Jackson asked Harris, “Can the American people trust you in these moments?” the answer should have been a clear and resounding no — but here was Harris’ response:

I have worked with Joe Biden, whether — hours and hours and hours over these four years, whether it be in the Situation Room or the Oval Office. … I speak with not only sincerity, but with a real firsthand account of watching him do this work. I have no reluctance in saying that. No, of course I don’t.

Anyone with eyes and ears knows Harris is full of it. Joe Biden is the man who appears to fall asleep during interviews and constantly slurs his speech incomprehensibly. Who whispers and yells at inappropriate moments and confusedly utters teleprompter cues. Who publicly searched for a deceased congresswoman and couldn’t remember when his own son had died. This is the man who had to be herded by foreign leaders when he wandered off at a G7 summit or by staffers dressed up as the Easter bunny when he started babbling about something he wasn’t supposed to on the White House lawn. The man who ran his last campaign from his basement and has vacationed for a whopping 40 percent of his presidency. As the New York Post pointed out, that’s 48 years’ worth of PTO.

When Biden was found to have retained classified documents — which was far worse than the Trump lawfare case, given that Biden never had presidential declassification authority and was storing his files next to his Corvette in his not-so-secure garage — the special counsel failed to recommend charges because Biden is “a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory.”

Yet after this February report, Democrats and the accomplice media continued to lie that Biden possessed “strong mental acuity,” was “on his game” and “sharp as ever,” and that he had “no impairment.”

As for Harris, she said, “The way that the president’s demeanor in that report was characterized could not be more wrong on the facts and clearly politically motivated.”

It was a lie then, and it’s a lie now. Kamala Harris told it for years because it seemed like her best shot at staying in power. So, no, the American people can’t trust her.

The Federalist

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