Jesus' Coming Back

What All Parents Should Say To Their Voting-Aged Children

My children, I want you to feel free and comfortable to vote for whomever you’d like. I’m your dad (or mom) and will love you to the end of time, independent of how we differ on issues of the day. You will always have issues that you prioritize as important, while others will seem meaningless. As you grow, you’ll see some become more important than before, and vice versa. I saw that as I’ve grown and evolved in my perspective of life and the human condition (religion, sociology, patterns over history and time, etc.).

That said, here’s what’s dictating my decision on who to vote for the president in 2024, and you may want to consider them before you cast your vote.

First, I recognize and acknowledge the following:

Whoever is voted in as president will nominate or appoint federal judges, a Speaker of the House, Supreme Court justices, an Attorney General, U.S. Marshalls, a Chief of Staff, Secretaries Of State, Defense, Education, Treasury, Homeland Security, Transportation, Environment Protection Agency, Labor, Energy, Commerce, and Transportation, and the heads of dozens of commissions. Almost all of these people will reflect a set of values that, more often than not, mirror those of the president who appoints them.

American Thinker

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