15 Times Liberals Became Dangerous and Unhinged After Donald Trump’s Landslide Victory

Democrats and leftists did not just lose an election this month, some of them lost all touch with reality and turned dangerous, violent, and even murderous in their response to Donald Trump’s landslide victory. Here are more than 15 times liberals proved to be a danger to themselves and everyone around them after Election Day on November 5.
The reactions to Trump’s huge victory were many and varied on the left, and while most liberals merely cried in their beer and moved on, some reacted in the worst way possible by lashing out with murder in their heats.
Acts of Murder
One woman, a so-called “power lesbian” named Corey Burke, 33, may have committed the worst of acts by allowing Trump’s election to drive her to allegedly murder her father with an ice ax.
Burke, an employee of Jeff Bezos’ aerospace company, Blue Origin, allegedly stabbed and strangled her father to death after the election. She reportedly left her father, 67-year-old Timothy Burke, dead in the $800,000 Seattle home the two shared, according to the Daily Mail.
The paper added that Burke allegedly told police that her rage was connected to the election.
Burke was not the only Democrat voter to apparently turn to murder after the election.
Another case of such a tremendously foul deed reportedly took place in Minnesota where Anthony Nephew, 46, allegedly murdered his entire family, then reportedly committed suicide several days after the 2024 elections. The unstable left-winger had posted a number of attacks on Donald Trump during the 2024 campaign for president, according to the New York Post.
Nephew, a reident of Duluth, allegedly murdered his ex-partner, Erin Abramson, 47, their son Jacob, 15, on November 7. But the bloodletting was not yet over. Police say he also went on to murder his wife, Kathryn, 45, and their son Oliver, 7. He had then turned the gun on himself, officials say.
“My mental health and the world can no longer peacefully coexist, and a lot of the reason is religion,” he exclaimed in one post, and in others he reportedly attacked Donald Trump.
Other Acts of Violence
Some liberals also resorted to violence short of murder.
An elderly white woman in Edmonds, Washington, was arrested and charged with a hate crime after she allegedly physically assaulted several minority voters who were wearing Trump shirts and hats, according to ABC News.
The 82-year-old suspect reportedly pushed a black Trump supporter and punched a Hispanic woman who said she was a Trump voter. The two women claim that the white Harris voter called them both racist and told them they should be ashamed of themselves for voting for Trump.
Another case of violence occurred the day before the election in Bath, New York, where a man named Robert Yott was arrested and charged for allegedly physically assaulting another man for wear a Donald Trump “Make America Great Again” cap.
Finally, while there is no evidence that any violence came of it, liberal women on social media were seen suggesting that the election of Donald Trump was an excellent time to return to the use of an ancient poison to murder men. Videos began popping up on social media urging women to resort to a 17th-century poison called Aqua Tofana — a mixture of lead, arsenic, and belladonna — to kill men, according to Legal Insurrection.
Teachers Acting Badly
Stories of several left-wing teachers taking their frustrations over Trump’s massive win out on their students also cropped up after Election Day.
In one instance, a hate-filled high school Spanish teacher in Cerritos, California, reportedly went nuclear on her students for daring to wear Donald Trump t-shirts in class. The teacher took to social media and accused her students of exhibiting a “deep hatred of minorities, women, non-Christian religion and LGBTQ+, and in my opinion are a HATE crime when worn at school,” the Daily Mail reported.
Then there is the case of Annie Dunleavy, a teacher at Chapman School in Connecticut, who reportedly threatened to kill Trump supporters. In one segment of her video, she appeared to say, “Please don’t test your gangster on me because you will end on a stretcher. Gone. Forever. So serious. Nobody fuckin’ talk to me unless you wanna swing. If you wanna fight, text me, call me, whatever. Anybody else stay the fuck outta my face.”
Dunleavy later went on local TV to cry about being targeted but admitted that her message of threatening Trump supporters “came off wrong.”
Another teacher, this time in Arizona, found that his mental distraction over the election also got him in a heap of trouble.
Teacher Clyde J Colinco, who works at Chino Valley School District, recently launched into an alleged unhinged rant after a student entered his classroom wearing a Trump hat. Colinco is also the school’s girls’ golf coach.
School choice advocate Corey A. DeAngelis released the audio from the incident:
In each of these cases, the school districts involved said they are “investigating” the incidents.
Doctors Also Get in on the Act
Stories of doctors having misanthropic reactions to Trump’s election abound, too. One story out of Iowa revealed Dr. Mayank Sharma, 35, a pediatric cardiology fellow for the University of Iowa Health Care, who in the wake of the election, took to his social media to tell friends to “stay mad” at Trump voters and added that he hopes that conservative parents have their children murdered, according to the Daily Mail.
Another report found that liberal psychiatrists, therapists, counselors, and social workers were seen on an industry message board that they should withhold their mental health services from anyone who voted for Trump. So much for their Hippocratic Oath.
More Unhinged Behavior
Liberals and Democrats also perpetrated a range of other examples of unhinged behavior in the wake of Donald Trump and his massive popular vote and Electoral College win.
As Breitbart News reported last week, liberal women admitted to stockpiling abortion pills in the mistaken belief that President-elect Donald Trump would have the power to ban the drugs. In other cases, liberal men scheduled vasectomies to avoid having children during the second Trump era. In other cases, leftist women shaved their heads bald in protest against Trump and to fight the “patriarchy.”
Meanwhile, many other lefty women claimed to have launched a sex strike over Trump’s win, though it is not exactly clear who that is supposed to hurt.
Democrat voters also suggested that their fellow Harris voters should cut off family members if they voted for Trump. One such liberal was Rick Taylor, a failed 2022 Democrat Senate candidate from Ohio. Taylor said that he has cut ties with his Trump-voting aunt. The social media backlash against his hateful act was swift.
Speaking of liberals cutting Trump supporters out of their lives, one man took to social media to say how shocked he was that his wife is actually divorcing him because he voted for Donald Trump, the Mirror reported.
Liberals have lashed out at businesses, too. A restaurant in Illinois suffered a backlash from leftists for posting a sign that read, “Jesus is my savior, Trump is my president.” But once news broke of the liberal attacks on the restaurant, Trump supporters came out in force to support the business.
There are certainly more stories out there, of course, and these are just a few of them. But it shows how badly Democrats are reacting to Donald Trump’s second election victory.
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