Dem Rep. Meeks: Trump Won Due to Inflation, Abbott Sending Migrants to New York ‘Unannounced’

On Tuesday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” Rep. Gregory Meeks (D-NY) stated that President-Elect Donald Trump won the 2024 election because food prices were unaffordable and “because in New York, you had Gov. Abbott of Texas, who continually sent migrants to New York unannounced, without anything.”
Meeks said, “People elected Donald Trump for two reasons: The economy, because when they went to the store, they [weren’t] looking at the stock market or anything of that nature, when they went to the store, the price for food was more than they could afford. And so, you saw people going with non-named milk and cheese and things of that nature. So, that was a problem. And immigration, because in New York, you had Gov. Abbott of Texas, who continually sent migrants to New York unannounced, without anything. So, that’s what they saw.”
He added that Democrats have to “make sure that we are taking care of our people so that they can understand that we are concerned and focused on their everyday life and their wellbeing.”
Earlier, Meeks stated that Democrats “did not come strong enough for people to feel that we understood their problems, the cost of groceries.”
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