Nobody Knew (Except Most Did!)
Media mouth-breathers are shocked that Dementia Joe Biden would pardon his son for eleven years’ worth of crimes against the United States. He said he would do no such thing! He gave us his word — as a Biden!
Yeah, about that last bit — I don’t know exactly when Child-Sniffing Joe started referencing his family name as a way to assure the public that his promises are always kept, but the word “Biden” has been synonymous with corruption at least since the Delaware Dimwit first entered politics a half-century ago. Personally, I think Liar Joe watched too much Game of Thrones and appropriated a version of “a Lannister always pays his debts” for his own crime family motto.
“A Biden always pays his debts” doesn’t quite work, since prodigal son Hunter owes drug dealers, pimps, property managers, business associates, foreign governments, an ex-wife, forgotten children, and the IRS, so Slow-Joe just says, “I give you my word as a Biden” and hopes the propaganda press will cheer like peasants watching the diabolical Lannisters steal the Iron Throne. Because the corporate news profession (which has a lot in common with the world’s oldest) is filled with fools and sycophants, “reporters” repeat Biden’s obvious lies as sacred truths.
President-in-Name-Only Biden gave his “word as a Biden” to protect U.S. service members leaving Afghanistan, struggling families crushed by inflation, and blue-collar towns enduring both “green energy” regulations and increased crime from Democrats’ open borders. Joe repeatedly promised to keep Americans safe, lower household costs, and create an economy that works for everybody. His “word as a Biden” was as trustworthy as Hunter’s promises to pay rent, alimony, child support, and taxes.
Now that Quid-Pro-Quo Joe has pardoned his son after giving his “word as a Biden” that he would never do so, the usual suspects have quickly come to his defense. White House press prevaricator Karine Jean-Pierre assures Americans that her boss didn’t lie; he simply changed his mind over the weekend. That’s kind of like the fifty-one “Intelligence experts” who told the American people that Hunter Biden’s “laptop from Hell” was really “Russian disinformation.” They didn’t lie, either; they simply changed their minds after the 2020 election.
Biden’s pardon flip-flop is just the latest example of broad government deception that I throw in a gargantuan file under this catchall heading: “Nobody Knew (Except Most People Did!)” Of course the White House spent the last six months misleading the public about the “president’s” intention to pardon Hunter. Every thinking person in America knew that corrupt Joe Biden would cover for his equally corrupt son. (Perhaps a better family motto would be, “A Biden always gets paid for his corruption.”) Yet the corporate press repeatedly assured voters that he would never do so. Why? Because “journalists” needed to make criminal defendant Trump look bad while doing their best to pull Rigor Mortis Joe (and then Drunk Kamala) across the finish line. The only way for “reporters” to “save democracy” was for them to pretend that nobody knew Joe was lying (except everybody did!).
Government propagandists play this game every day. Nobody knew that COVID came from a U.S.-funded bio-weapons lab in Wuhan, China, even though the outbreak occurred just down the street. Nobody knew that flooding nursing homes with sick patients would end up killing thousands of elderly people. Nobody knew that flimsy masks and six-foot distancing rules would be entirely ineffective. Nobody knew that lockdowns and school closures would do nothing to stop the spread of COVID. Nobody knew that travel restrictions would wreck the economy. Nobody knew that isolating children would harm their cognitive and social development. Nobody knew that experimental “vaccines” might not work or that they might come with numerous unknown side effects. (Except a lot of people knew all of these things!)
Just as “reporters” have twisted themselves into knots trying to defend Joe Biden’s pardon for his criminal son, government “scientists” have twisted themselves into knots trying to justify their unscientific proclamations and medical quackery. “We were working at the speed of science,” they often defensively say, like brainwashed cult members repeating the same dubious lines. Does working at the “speed of science” deprive “experts” of common sense? If so, they should slow down!
Since young people are predominantly safe from COVID, it made no sense for colleges to close and send students back home to infect local communities. Since viruses are smaller than the holes in masks, it made no sense to require masks. Since pathogens do not spare multinational conglomerates, it made no sense for Walmart to remain open while mom-and-pop stores were shuttered. Since the long-term harms from experimental medical treatments cannot be known, it made no sense for governments to mandate their widespread use. Is it too much to ask the medical community to engage in remedial scientific scrutiny and maintain a modicum of common sense during a health emergency? “Nobody knew!” the CDC lemmings protest. (Except a lot of people did!)
Where does this know-nothingness end? Next we’ll find out that hiring engineers based on their sexual predilections and racial heritage isn’t the best way to ensure that aircraft don’t fall from the sky. Or what if it turns out that encouraging men to take over women’s sports means that soon there will be no women’s sports? Or what happens if adolescent children who were encouraged to undergo genital mutilation and sterilization grow up to discover that fantasy role-playing was all just a phase? Or perhaps national governments will learn that mass migration from hostile regions of the world means that home-brewed civil war is certain. Or maybe war hawks will realize that you can fire missiles into Russia only so many times before Western capitals receive a response. Or maybe central banks will be forced to acknowledge that rampant money-printing eventually brings the whole financial system down like a house of cards.
If any or all of these possibilities come to fruition, allow me to predict that the most prominent scientists, businessmen, economists, bureaucrats, and government ministers will all feign ignorance and claim: Nobody knew! (Except, of course, almost all of us did!) We can see the slow-motion car wreck happening all around us. The problem is that the people who claim to see nothing are the ones with all the power.
The institutions that run roughshod over us have a lot of plans. They just have no interest in sharing those plans with us. They seem intent on destroying national borders and erecting globalist forms of government that deny countries any self-determination. They seem intent on strictly managing food and energy production. They seem intent on censoring public dissent and flooding communication networks with government propaganda. They seem intent on using social credit scores and restricting access to banking institutions as part of a larger program for controlling social behavior. They seem intent on spying on citizens’ private lives and tracking their public movements. They do all these horrifically totalitarian things, and then they tell citizens, “We’re doing all this for your own protection. Trust us. We give you our word as…the FBI…the CIA…the Federal Reserve…the IRS…the CDC…the Deep State.”
In this way, the Biden Crime Family’s in-your-face corruption is a symptom of a much larger problem: our leaders and institutions lie about everything. Most people know that they are lying. Nonetheless, we are all expected to pretend.
For Deep State criminals, the most frightening thing about President Trump is his inclination to tell the truth no matter how ugly it is. “Nobody knew anything,” they will claim. Except…most of us did.
Flickr, CC BY-SA 2.0.
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