Exclusive: Rep. Warren Davidson Outlines Challenges for Incoming Congress
There are “bed-wetters” who are resistant to spending cuts in Congress, Rep. Warren Davidson (R-OH) said during an appearance on Breitbart News Daily, outlining some of the challenges for the incoming Congress.
“Well, the people that are on board with President Trump, like me, are pumped, excited, you know, feeling the energy, just still riding a great wave of enthusiasm. Some of the people that are like in angst like, oh, wow, they really are trying to change things,” Davidson began.
“We can’t really let too much change. And then the Democrats are still trying to figure out, maybe if we did a different podcast. You’re like, no, it didn’t matter. The more people heard about your ideas, the less they like you,” he said before highlighting two challenges in the House.
“But we have kind of two problems in the House. We have, you know, folks, I call bed-wetters, are like, well, we can’t cut that. We can’t change this. … I’m like, why did you come here? And then you have other people that I think want to work in a think tank someday, and they’re like, nothing’s perfect. So like, I can’t vote for that. I mean, it needs to balance the budget next year. And you’re like, Well, I mean, I want to balance budget and everything. But like, if we don’t vote for something that can pass, it’s the same thing as standing for the status quo, because nothing’s going to change,” Warren explained.
“Frankly, you had both ends, and we had a whole five seat majority. We had a lot of people on both ends that, you know, let’s say a dozen, two dozen people on both ends that really couldn’t get to yes on a lot of things, and that left us with a very weak offense,” the Congressman continued, explaining it is different this time because they have President-elect Trump to “run the offense.”
“He set a pretty good agenda,” he said, adding, “and we just have to keep everybody on track and execute.”
Breitbart News Daily airs on SiriusXM Patriot 125 from 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. Eastern.
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