How To Enjoy This Christmas If You’re A Trump Hater (Or If You Sadly Know One)

An unexpected development following President-elect Trump’s electoral victory last month is the uncharacteristic calm from the normally fire-breathing Democrats who got trounced by the man they swore was Hitler incarnate.
Amazon — founded by Jeff Bezos — and billionaire Mark Zuckerberg’s Meta just donated $1 million each for Trump to have an inauguration party and … nothing. Not a sound from scores of workers at either company who would typically resign, write open letters denouncing their employer, or otherwise whine anonymously to the New York Times or Bezos’ own newspaper, the Washington Post. That’s pretty much been the case nationwide, too.
To be sure, there were plenty of fun social media posts on TikTok and elsewhere featuring demented Kamala supporters breaking down in tears of rage over their defeat. But it didn’t last long. To the contrary, initial news reports maintain there isn’t anything forming that might amount to a legitimate Resistance 2.0.
That’s not to say Trump’s second term won’t inevitably run into a wall of media-generated hysteria. It will. They’re not going to voluntarily leave an opening for J.D. Vance to cement the MAGA legacy. But for now, not a creature is stirring (other than whatever sits crookedly atop Joy Reid’s head).
In the event, however, you’re still coping with the outcome of the election, or sadly know someone who is, it’s still possible to have a beautiful Christmas season full of joy, gratitude, and optimism for what lies ahead in the New Year.
For The Trump Haters
First, take solace in the fact that Trump is term-limited, and this is the last time he can constitutionally serve as president of the United States, be the commander-in-chief, and hold more power than any one person on earth. It’s four years, but if you made it the first time, surely you can do it again. Sit back and let come what may. It’s easier this way.
Next, consider that your family and loved ones still care for you, even if you didn’t see eye to eye about the election. Cutting them off would hurt you just as much as them. Elections unfortunately come with bragging rights, and your MAGA cousins and uncles deserve the same opportunities to don the red hats you might rather toss in a fire pit.
Lastly, understand that the holiday isn’t about you and your misplaced emotional investment in politics. It’s about everything but that. Don’t be a narcissist. Join your family and friends, give them a hug, and wish them a Merry Christmas. I promise you’ll feel better and so will everyone else, all through the house.
For The Trump Supporters Who Know A Hater
Despite having been on the winning side of the election, hosting or attending a family gathering for Christmas comes with the risk of seeing it sabotaged by a miserable Democrat who arrives with no reservations about making everyone uncomfortable. Their discontent can never be underestimated. Their intention to instigate a clatter should be anticipated.
Ensure the Christmas spirit remains alive by first never initiating political conversation. The sore Democrat will do it without your help. But when they do, the aim is to neutralize the hostility rather than exacerbate it. When the topic is broached in one form or another, merely state that you’re glad the election is over, and you’re hoping for the best. Should the angry Democrat make further attempts at goading you or others into a fight — the goal is to bring everyone’s mood down — assert your disinterest in talking politics during Christmas. Propose a different topic or a group game instead.
This election is behind us. If you were a Trump supporter, congratulations. If you weren’t, perhaps the alternative to Trump’s MAGA successor will run a more attractive campaign next time. To all of you, Merry Christmas.
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