Jesus' Coming Back

It’s the Democrats’ Turn in the Wilderness

Just like the Israelites in the book of Exodus (shemōt), on November 6th, the Democrat party entered The Wilderness. What does this mean for the party, for its intended programs, and more importantly, its self-esteem and ability to restore the party to a meaningful and sane role in American governance?

The Wilderness is a time for reflection and repentance, introspection, spiritual and mental cleansing, and confessing one’s sins, be they religious or secular sins. It can lead to a renewal of strength and spirit, with the person or group emerging stronger. Due to the Israelites’ “stiff necks,” God used it as a 40-year honing tool before letting them enter the “Promised Land.”

Human nature prevents people and organizations from achieving the wilderness mindset until they have reached rock bottom. That’s because, until they do, they keep thrashing about, trying to stave off the inevitable by rehashing the very items that caused their collapse. The left’s problem is that they consider themselves and their goals morally superior and virtuous—which, by extension, means everyone else is wrong. Voters, however, just rejected this ‘superior’ platform.

five stages of grief, a mandatory process to regain sanity and focus on the future. It is doubly important for many in the party because the secular world is all they have, and to have lost the election to (in their view) evil, uneducated morons has caused profound bleakness and despair.

At this grief stage, Democrats are blaming everyone but themselves. While blame for this loss must include their fellow travelers on the left who hijacked the party and are the major cause of this complete collapse due to radical policies that normal Americans found distasteful (e.g., DEI, identity politics, boys in girls’ sports, etc.), they must stop blaming normal Americans if they are to accept the true reasons they lost.

Democrats require a cathartic moment that will also see many of their movement leaders forced out of influence and power and a new generation taking the reins, much as the Trump revolution did to the Republican Party.

There is some good news for Democrats about this loss. First, this landslide ended their power to impose those misguided policies on the citizenry by use of authoritarian and social pressure controls (previously, anyone speaking out faced job loss, ostracization, doxing, and other punishments) and exposed just how weak their control was. That power change could never have occurred incrementally. This will make the party more, not less, appealing to ordinary Americans.

Second, the loss has rid the party of Bill and Hillary Clinton and the Obamas, a necessary step in the process. They are now irrelevant. Their ‘fundamentally transforming’ ship has sailed, along with that quartet of grifters.

Third, the loss has taken the mainstream media down with them in defeat. The blatantly partisan, daily fake news spewed by most of the classically trained Marxist ‘journalists’ has been exposed because they spent what was left of their credibility trying to drag a corpse of a campaign over the finish line. CNN, MSNBC, and three dollars will get you a cup of coffee these days. Again, this will help cleanse the party moving forward.

Republicans have just come out of their own “wilderness days,” which started with Romney’s defeat in 2012. The past 12 years of house-cleaning catharsis, which was sped up by Trump’s win in 2016, exposed the remnant RINOs, opening the transition to populism. Liz Cheney is the final holdover whose political days are over, even if she doesn’t seem to know it.

Only an outsider like Donald Trump could have done this. His election in 2016 was a political earthquake that did five things.

1.It showed normal Americans that the DC cabal and RINOs could be defeated.

2.It caused a brief pause in the left’s march off the cliff to globalism.

3.It scared both parties to the realization of their possible political demise, causing blatant knee-jerk reactions of pushback visible to most.

4.In 2020, it exposed the corruption in our election system and revealed just how deeply embedded the administrative state is.

5.It caused a massive replacement of leadership that has transformed the party into a winner.

The Democrat’s turn in the wilderness is now upon them. By basically burning all the boats to give Hillary the nomination in 2016 and Biden in 2020, the old guard decimated all other candidates who may have had the gravitas to challenge the new Republican movement. It will take some time for them to arrive at the same point of kicking the bums out of the positions of influence in their party that the Republican voters just did in theirs.

Republicans and Conservatives (not always the same people) have been given a golden opportunity by fate. I say it is divine intervention. It is theirs to squander, as they are wont to do, so let’s pray they understand the gift that they hold for the next ten years while the Democrats regroup. Let’s not let them snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.

Lewis Dovland is a passionate observer of America’s future direction with a focus on exposing the “Big Picture” end goals of the progressive Marxist movement and administrative state and how we can prevail. Email at

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