What prostate issue does Netanyahu have that requires him to undergo surgery?
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is expected to undergo prostate removal surgery on Sunday due to suffering from benign prostate enlargement, a health issue that typically occurs in men as they age and has harmful symptoms, which caused the prime minister to suffer from a urinary tract infection (UTI) for several days.
The prostate is a small gland below the pelvis, approximately the size of a walnut, and is significant in the male body’s function. It can become a source of medical issues in elderly men, particularly if it becomes enlarged or infected. In such cases, prostate removal surgery provides patients with a necessary solution to restore health and quality of life.
For men, the prostate plays a central role in the male reproductive system. Its primary function is to produce part of the fluid that makes up semen, helping transport and enhance the fertility of sperm cells.
In younger men, the prostate is typically not a cause for medical issues, as it remains at its natural size. However, as men age, particularly after they reach 50, many experience benign prostate enlargement. This can be due to hormonal changes that occur with aging, such as a decline in testosterone levels.
Benign prostate enlargement is not cancerous and is very common—most men by age 80 are expected to have encountered the issue to some degree.
What are the symptoms of benign prostate enlargement?
When the prostate enlarges, it causes pressure to be placed on the urethra and thereby makes urination difficult.
Symptoms include difficulty starting urination, weak or interrupted urine flow, a feeling of incomplete bladder emptying, and a frequent urgent need to urinate, especially at night.
If left untreated, the condition can lead to urinary retention (complete blockage), recurring UTIs, and even kidney and bladder damage.
Furthermore, many individuals with enlarged prostates suffer from urinary difficulties and often need a catheter, which also increases the risk of infections.
In recent months, some online users have speculated about a bulge under Netanyahu’s pants, suggesting it might be a urinary catheter.
Prostate Infection (Prostatitis)
Prostate infections are often linked to having an enlarged prostate and can occur due to bacterial inflammation or other causes.
Symptoms of infection include high fever, severe groin and lower back pain, difficulty urinating, and, in severe cases, blood infections (sepsis).
In elderly individuals, such infections can be particularly dangerous as their immune systems are weaker, and an enlarged prostate increases the risk of bacterial accumulation.
Therefore, prostate removal, which Netanyahu is expected to undergo, has become an important treatment option in cases of recurrent infections or significant damage to the prostate and urinary tract.
Recurrent prostate infections can cause scarring, further compromising the urinary system. Consequently, removing the prostate eliminates the source of the problem and reduces the risk of recurring infections.
In cases where an enlarged prostate blocks urinary flow, surgery relieves pressure on the urethra, restoring normal bladder function.
An enlarged, infected prostate can cause kidney failure and urinary tract infections and exacerbate existing chronic conditions.
Additionally, the symptoms of an enlarged prostate and infection are not only physical but also emotional. Elderly patients suffering from this condition often experience fatigue, sleep disturbances, and frustration. Surgery can significantly improve daily life.
The prostate removal procedure
Prostate removal surgery is usually performed using advanced techniques, such as transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP) or laparoscopic surgery.
The procedure is done under general or regional anesthesia and typically allows for relatively quick recovery.
However, as with any surgery, there are risks, including bleeding, post-operative infection, or temporary issues with urinary control.
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