Jesus' Coming Back
Yearly Archives


Destroying the Gay Myth

It’s amazing how many leftists are ashamed of their bodies but have absolutely zero shame about their minds, their belief systems, or their sexual choices. It’s also amazing how Orwellian Newspeak has conquered the English…

Who the Hell is Running the Country?

In name, Joe Biden is America’s 46th president. His “signature” is on official documents. He is photographed periodically, whether in the Oval Office, wandering in foreign lands, or inappropriately sniffing or nibbling young children.But he…

A Spiteful Biden Adds to His Failed Legacy

President Joe Biden, a medically confirmed non-compos mentis elderly man, has displayed the resolute spitefulness that comes with the Alzheimer’s disease, even while allegedly serving his duties as President of the United States.Coming on…

Staycations to Starships

According to Tolkien, hobbits don't like to travel. Bilbo Baggins discovered his liking for travel later in life and he communicated his discovery to his nephew, Frodo, “It's a dangerous business, Frodo, going out your door. You step onto…

Trying to Understand the Meaning of It All

It’s the end of the year -- a remarkable year -- and all the experts and philosophizers are trying to understand what is going on. Their takes range from the religious to the ideological to the sociological to the scientific.The question:…

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