Jesus' Coming Back
Yearly Archives


Saving America From The Propaganda Industrial Complex

Glenn Beck’s new book Propaganda Wars: How the Global Elite Control What You See, Think, and Feel is a prescient warning to all freedom-loving Americans about the threat posed by fake news, strategic disinformation, and mainstream media…

2024 in Review: Army

New tech will make tomorrow’s wars more dangerous to troops, Army says New sensors and long-range weapons may force the service to rethink doctrine."Sam Skove, Staff WriterThe goal of 100K artillery shells per month is back in sight, Army…

Marlow: Time to Leave W.H.O., Consider Leaving U.N.

On Thursday’s edition of the Fox Business Network’s “Kudlow,” “Alex Marlow Show,” host and Breitbart Editor-in-Chief Alex Marlow argued for a U.S. withdrawal from the World Health Organization and argued the U.S. should consider a total…

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